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Bowden: Duquette deal done


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Duquette may do a good job, but I've got to say that the reactions in this thread show signs of Stockholm Syndrome to me. The last four weeks have been a complete cluster. We were turned down by a 50+ year old dude who has been an assistant GM for 12 years and works behind a guy in his mid-30s. Think about how bad he must have thought this opportunity to be to have a firm offer and choose to stay in a spot where he will NEVER be the top guy. One guy withdrew in the middle of the process prior to an offer because we dicked around too much. Many others just smiled and said "no thanks". We ended up hiring a guy that we thought so much of that he wasn't even in the first "long list", let alone the first round of interviews. The guy we hired hasn't been so much as near MLB since 2002. I don't care what you think about the way the game works, there is a reason that nobody would touch him for years.

Now, the comments I see are "well, at least that is over" and "it could be worse" and "at least it will be exciting". Goodness. BTW, the folks who are saying "at least it will be exciting" are saying that because Duquette has a reputation as being hard headed and full of himself and he is working for a guy who is the same way and with a guy who is the same way (I can't say he is the boss of Buck, it just isn't so regardless of titles). When was the last time three inflexible egomaniacs worked well together? That's right. Never. This will explode. It is just a matter of time.

I'll watch because, like the rest of you poor fools, I'm addicted to this stupid crack pipe (kudos to the apt analogy Roy), but I'm self aware enough to know that I'm addicted to something that is really bad for me.

When I said "it could have been worse", I didn't mean anything other than, literally, it could have been way worse. It could have been Jim Hendry or John Stockstill or whoever. That doesn't change the ridiculous circus of the past few weeks, or excuse anything, but it wasn't trying to. The Orioles are just better off than the worst-case scenarios I was dreading a week ago.

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Duquette may do a good job, but I've got to say that the reactions in this thread show signs of Stockholm Syndrome to me. The last four weeks have been a complete cluster. We were turned down by a 50+ year old dude who has been an assistant GM for 12 years and works behind a guy in his mid-30s. Think about how bad he must have thought this opportunity to be to have a firm offer and choose to stay in a spot where he will NEVER be the top guy. One guy withdrew in the middle of the process prior to an offer because we dicked around too much. Many others just smiled and said "no thanks". We ended up hiring a guy that we thought so much of that he wasn't even in the first "long list", let alone the first round of interviews. The guy we hired hasn't been so much as near MLB since 2002. I don't care what you think about the way the game works, there is a reason that nobody would touch him for years.

Now, the comments I see are "well, at least that is over" and "it could be worse" and "at least it will be exciting". Goodness. BTW, the folks who are saying "at least it will be exciting" are saying that because Duquette has a reputation as being hard headed and full of himself and he is working for a guy who is the same way and with a guy who is the same way (I can't say he is the boss of Buck, it just isn't so regardless of titles). When was the last time three inflexible egomaniacs worked well together? That's right. Never. This will explode. It is just a matter of time.

I'll watch because, like the rest of you poor fools, I'm addicted to this stupid crack pipe (kudos to the apt analogy Roy), but I'm self aware enough to know that I'm addicted to something that is really bad for me.

Maybe we did hire someone (not desired by other organizations) who needs us as much as we (not desired by perceived quality candidates) need him. Who cares? I don't.

Just because Lacava turned us down or was annoyed by something or actually preferred to remain a #2 has nothing to do with whether he could take the reins as the top guy and enjoy more success in the same situation as DD.

The truth is that we have absolutely no idea which of these guys would excel at the combination of things that is the GM's job - which is why most get fired.

The only way to be fearful of the hire, IMO, was another Syd Thrift or Mike Flanagan experiment of a total new hire or a old guy who failed to check the ages of players he acquired. Perhaps some here know in their bones that Lacava or Dipoto would succeed here, but many of us here for 10 years or so have seen several hot shot GMs flame out while some relatively anonymous guys emerged as quality, respected GMs.

DD has a track record of success - albeit an old one, but the things this organization needs most are further expansions of the draft and international spend, identifying and hiring strong player development folks, identifying and hiring strong scouts and scouting director and hiring quality front office types - while working with the Angelos family. I, for one, have no idea which candidates would be better at the combination of the above so it's really just a matter of giving the new guy time to see his actual moves and where the focus is - to me.

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Presser tomorrow at 11am EST.

"Hi. Peter Schmuck, Baltimore Sun. Welcome to Baltimore Dan. So, has Mr. Angelos given you full control to run the organization as you see fit?"

DD: "Hello Peter, thanks. Next question."

"Yes, Roch Kubatko, MASN. So, why have you been out of baseball for the past decade?"

DD: "Hello Roch, I'm told you're good people. Next question."

"Yes, Tony Pente, Orioles Hangout. You know, we have a ton of angry Orioles fans over on our website. They think you are nothing but a puppet for Angelos. How will you change that perception?"

DD: "Ah yes, the internet. Sorry, have to run. Nice meeting you all!"

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More importantly, if he's the VP, who's the President? It just makes no sense at all. :rolleyes:
MacPhail was the only president/GM. Epstein was given that title in Chicago; Hoyer is his GM. The VP title leaves open the possibility, however unlikely, that someone could officially be added as Duquette's boss/president. Unofficially, that title belongs to Buck. :D
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I saw on MLBTR.com a quote by Guthrie that essentially welcomed Dan onboard and proceeded to say we're lucky to have him. That could be read several different ways... considering the context that VaTech outlined above... we are lucky...

Would you really expect Guthrie, the King of Class, even when the team completely screws him over, to say anything less?

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"Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations" is the most ridiculous thing I've heard about the O's since......earlier today. Fine, so I guess that doesn't say much.

It's times like this when I really wish I was a reporter.

"So, Mr. Duquette, or should I say, Mr. Executive VP of Bball Ops, how many Vice Presidents of Bball Ops are there?" Are there legislative and judicial VPs as well?

And who is the President? Such a farce.

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Would you really expect Guthrie, the King of Class, even when the team completely screws him over, to say anything less?

Well... no. But considering the fiasco the process turned out to be, reading that line could be interpreted differently. :)

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"Executive Vice President of Baseball Operations" is the most ridiculous thing I've heard about the O's since......earlier today. Fine, so I guess that doesn't say much.

It's times like this when I really wish I was a reporter.

"So, Mr. Duquette, or should I say, Mr. Executive VP of Bball Ops, how many Vice Presidents of Bball Ops are there?" Are there legislative and judicial VPs as well?

And who is the President? Such a farce.

Not having a POBO means that position could be filled later when Buck is ready or perhaps maybe even Ripken...

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