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From an O's fan perspective, the TBS coverage is horrific so far

Oriole Way

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Did they even mention that if the error by T-bag hadn't been kicked by the 1st base umpire that McLouth probably would have been on 2nd?

And the comment about the 120 decibels was awesome only for Ernie to come back with, "You know what the decibel level was in the 9th inning last night??? ZERO!"

What an arrogant *****.

I could go on forever about how atrocious and one-sided the coverage is, but I won't. Don't they realize that while there certainly are a lot more Yankee fans than Oriole fans there are also 28 other teams' fans watching who mostly despise the Yankees?

It's beyond ridiculous. I'll be listening to Joe and Fred on Wednesday.

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Sager referred to the crowd as the loudest that he'd ever seen...

Ernie Johnson- "I can tell you what that meter read yesterday... zero!"

So pointless and obnoxious.

I heard that and was angry beyond comprehension. What a ****head!

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I heard that and was angry beyond comprehension. What a ****head!

Geeeesh! Way too thin skinned. I had no problem with his commment. He was making the point that the noise level in the stadium dropped significantly when the Yankees pulled ahead in the 9th. And it did. The "zero" level was an obvious exaggeration to help him make his point.

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Geeeesh! Way too thin skinned. I had no problem with his commment. He was making the point that the noise level in the stadium dropped significantly when the Yankees pulled ahead in the 9th. And it did. The "zero" level was an obvious exaggeration to help him make his point.

It was another back handed slam at the Orioles.

First it was Cal dissing Brooks.

Then it was all the "Orioles are lucky to be on the field with such an elite group of athletes from NY."

Then it was "lets make fun of Matt and Maria's decision to name their first child Maverick.

And then last night as the Orioles send the Yanks home sad, its the comment about the noise level.

I am so sick of these TBS broadcasts, they ALMOST make ESPN look Neutral.

And for the record, I do noise monitoring all the time for my job, and about the lowest reading you're ever gonna get on a hand held dosimeter is in the 50's, and that's in a dead silent office area. So his little joke was not only a shot at the Orioles and the fans, but also an ignorant comment based on zero understanding of decibel readings!

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Geeeesh! Way too thin skinned. I had no problem with his commment. He was making the point that the noise level in the stadium dropped significantly when the Yankees pulled ahead in the 9th. And it did. The "zero" level was an obvious exaggeration to help him make his point.

Why even make that point? The way it was brought up was just mean spirited. Of course the noise died down in the 9th last night. That's the epitome of letting the air out of a crowd. He just sounded so smug about it, as if to say "it doesn't matter how loud it is now." There are way more professional ways of bringing up how the crowd was loud last night too, but then was quieted without actually sounding like an arrogant Yankee fan trying to have a comeback to an Oriole insult.

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And for the record, I do noise monitoring all the time for my job, and about the lowest reading you're ever gonna get on a hand held dosimeter is in the 50's, and that's in a dead silent office area. So his little joke was not only a shot at the Orioles and the fans, but also an ignorant comment based on zero understanding of decibel readings!

I've been saying this since a second after he said it last night (you can even check the game thread ;) ), though I've been saying that you'd have to be pretty much in a vacuum to get a flat 0. I can forgive the complete ignorance of how dB levels actually work, most people don't get it. But don't introduce such an ignorant exaggeration at the same time as you come off so dismissive. We'll jump on ya.

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Geeeesh! Way too thin skinned. I had no problem with his commment. He was making the point that the noise level in the stadium dropped significantly when the Yankees pulled ahead in the 9th. And it did. The "zero" level was an obvious exaggeration to help him make his point.

I think his comment sucks. The only one who cares about the decibel level last night is him. Everyone else is worried about the game at hand which obviously wasn't going the way he wanted it to go.

Transparent yankee fan not even trying to be unbiased.

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Guest rochester
It was another back handed slam at the Orioles.

First it was Cal dissing Brooks.

Then it was all the "Orioles are lucky to be on the field with such an elite group of athletes from NY."

Then it was "lets make fun of Matt and Maria's decision to name their first child Maverick.

And then last night as the Orioles send the Yanks home sad, its the comment about the noise level.

I am so sick of these TBS broadcasts, they ALMOST make ESPN look Neutral.

And for the record, I do noise monitoring all the time for my job, and about the lowest reading you're ever gonna get on a hand held dosimeter is in the 50's, and that's in a dead silent office area. So his little joke was not only a shot at the Orioles and the fans, but also an ignorant comment based on zero understanding of decibel readings!

This actually happened? (obviously) I usually do not weigh-in on the issues with the media because there is nothing I could add but, I mean, c'mon. Who did this?

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This actually happened? (obviously) I usually do not weigh-in on the issues with the media because there is nothing I could add but, I mean, c'mon. Who did this?

All three of them. I took less offense to it than most people because my first inclination was to make fun of it. My first thought was when in Top Gun he introduces himself as Maverick and Charlie is like "did your parents hate you or something?" It really felt like teasing to me, but I can understand it feeling like they were mocking them for it because of all the other stuff.

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I think this title should be changed to take out "from an O's fan perspective." because it's just terrible all around. Too much flash, not enough substance. Talking about the pitcher sitting in the dugout while the current pitcher is doing a great job. Not giving the fans at home the info they need during game (like bullpen movement...do they even have a bullpen cam? I think they do, I think they showed Joba getting up once, but that's it). We had to fret in the middle of the 8th wondering who was going to pitch. At least on MASN they'd have had a quick look at the BP or in the dugout to see if the pitcher was acting "done."

It's just crappy, crappy coverage.

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They didn't even mention Flaherty's Rule 5 status in the wild card game. They didn't mention how many ex-Rangers the Orioles had. They didn't even mention that Koji was a former Oriole!! HELLO?!

It's terrible all around, even without Cal. It's just a bad broadcast, they don't mention obvious storylines. And how many times do we have to hear Smoltz say "fans at home know nothing about the difference between playoff baseball and regular season baseball." Insulting my intelligence. It's terrible. TBS blows.

This is a mistake that many pro athletes turned broadcasters make. Just because we've never played in the Big Leagues does NOT mean we don't know the game. These guys, many of them, not just Smoltz, need to get off their high horse.

And have we even mentioned how horrible the "studio in Atlanta" has been? Wells and Eck blabbering on and on about nothing! How about some footage of the pre-game player introductions instead. You know, fun, neat things that you don't get to see during any other game during the regular season. Anyone wanna bet they have the entire Yankees player intros from Yankee Stadium on tomorrow night????? I'm telling you, they will skip us, and then they'll say, "Lets go out to Yankee Stadium and see the player intros...." Terrible.

I would like to just have a "First on the Field" like CBS does for Sunday football. Get us out there before the game starts and let us see whats going on!

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