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Danny Valencia and PED


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Well, it is odd that Valencia's name would appear in these records, but I'd say that this is about the thinnest evidence imaginable.

I get what you're saying, but this is more subtantial than the "he played on a team with a guy who was in the Mitchell Report" stuff that's keeping people out of the Hall.

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People are jumping to conclusions way too fast with this story. I'm not more inclined to think Manny Machado is using PEDs because he's friends with Alex Rodriguez. That's very weak logic.

And I have to say, Braun's explanation sounds entirely plausible to me. Everybody needs to slow down with this story.

Guilty or not guilty Braun has some good people working for him.

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Based on the sheer number of people who have been on PEDs, simply "associating" with someone who is on them would, by this logic, "implicate" almost everyone in Major League Baseball.

Acting like Alex Rodriguez, one of the greatest players of all time, should be treated like a pariah because he uses PEDs reeks of the sort of witch hunt mentality that I find so objectionable.

What percentage of Major Leaguers do you think are on PEDs? What percentage of those on PEDs get caught?

Alex Rodrigez has a questionable personal life. He's a party boy and a big casino/gambler type. His agent has all sorts of "issues" with a particular affinity for escort services. He has been known to use them when he is wooing players or negotiating. Manny traveling in the same circles as these two is not a good thing
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Guest rochester
Really by this same logic we suspect players who were on the same teams with Canseco. I'm not saying Manny is on PED's. I fevently hope not, but the people he associates with give me reason to have pause. I don't think people grasp what a total scumbag Lazano is, let alone ARoid. Jack Ruby wasn't connected to the mob, he just happened to have worked for AL Capone, Santos Trafficante, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Hoffa. But he really was a good guy.

Wow, Jack Ruby (?) - now that's a stretch! :eek:

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Wow, Jack Ruby (?) - now that's a stretch! :eek:
It's what is called an analogy. The Warren Comission assures us that Ruby was not involved with organized crime in spite of the above known connections, just as many here seem to want to assure us that Manny isn't at risk for PED sanctions, in spite of the unsavory company he keeps. Manny training, hanging out, partying with, etc, with a well known user of state of the ats PED's who has lots of "connections" in that world, and an agent with questional ethics, is not a good sign.
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There is no way to tell whether a player is using PED's by how he "looks".

That's the thing with most PED's, especially the ones ARod was taking - they work. If someone's taking testosterone for an extended period of time, they're gonna be covered in muscles. Obviously, being built like Jay Gibbons doesn't automatically identify you as a roider and there's banned PED's not directly related to muscle growth/recovery - but the physical appearance of a player can usually be a good indication when they're *not* on the serious stuff. Despite all the lies, positive tests, and news leaks plaguing MLB over the past decade, would anyone believe for a second that Ichiro Suzuki and Tim Lincecum were roiding? If they were, they better demand their money back....

Braun was facing extreme financial losses and damage to his personal and professional reputation if his positive test was upheld. So why would his attorneys go to a strip mall anti-aging clinic for advice on how to formulate the appeal? Wouldn't you want the absolute best world renowned experts on the subject matter? I'm justy throwing that out there because it seems like an odd route to take.

Agreed, this place sounds like a dump, Bosch was apparently in financial ruin, and all of the records are in complete disarray and virtually illegible. However, if no further evidence on Braun surfaces, his explanation will definitely fly and it should. He's the new untouchable Al Capone, egg on the face of anyone who tries to go after him!

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That's the thing with most PED's, especially the ones ARod was taking - they work. If someone's taking testosterone for an extended period of time, they're gonna be covered in muscles. Obviously, being built like Jay Gibbons doesn't automatically identify you as a roider and there's banned PED's not directly related to muscle growth/recovery - but the physical appearance of a player can usually be a good indication when they're *not* on the serious stuff.

Lance Armstrong was taking a cocktail of PEDs that would probably make Barry Bonds blush, and he pretty much looks like me. I think I could bench 100 lbs without collapsing into a pile of goo.

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He does have scrawny arms, but I'm guessing his legs are quite a bit thicker than yours :)

Oh I'm sure, although my legs are much less grandmotherly than my arms (I'm mainly a soccer player/runner). But put Lance Armstrong in an O's uniform and he looks a lot more like post-injury Brian Roberts than Chris Davis.

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I wonder how common of a name Danny Valencia is. The original article I think only mentioned players that they could verify with employees. It probably is the right guy, but it is interesting how everyone just assumes.

Same agent. Same Clinic. But his name was scratched out. So it is possible that the association ends with the agent or his goons.

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I wonder how common of a name Danny Valencia is. The original article I think only mentioned players that they could verify with employees. It probably is the right guy, but it is interesting how everyone just assumes.

According to whitepages.com there are 23 in the US. I'm pretty sure ours is the overwhelming choice to be the one listed in a shady health clinic records.

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