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Jim Johnson Today, 2013


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Johnson is single handedly sucking the life out of this season. Between him bpowing games and Adam Jones not willing to take a pitch, its getting old. Two straight games where the SP pitched well wasted. Jones needs to be moved out of the 4th spot and Johnson needs replaced as closer. But Buck will ride these guys right into 4th place.

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How many more games will Buck give away for the sake of Johnson's feelings? This is what it comes down to at this point. The guy simply doesn't have it this year. Buck needs to see that. A million Os fans have for weeks now. Start using closer by committee and go from there. Stop allowing Johnson to give away games in a potential playoff season!

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Who gives a **** how great a guy he is. I invest three hours a night and my money on tickets to watch the Orioles ****ing WIN. And he does nothing buck suck giraffe balls whenever there's a bit of pressure. **** him.

Jim Johnson may suck at baseball right now, but you fail at life. Seriously, take a breath and step away from the keyboard. You're making an ass of yourself.

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Who gives a **** how great a guy he is. I invest three hours a night and my money on tickets to watch the Orioles ****ing WIN. And he does nothing buck suck giraffe balls whenever there's a bit of pressure. **** him.

Yeesh... maybe you should watch Golden Girls or something instead.

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I've been very slow to join the "Yank him from the closer's role" bandwagon.

But I'd like a ride now if there's room in the back. Something major needs to be done.

Leave room for me too. I have been holding out, particularly when he rallied after his run of bad games, but no way can he stay as the closer.

I'm a big believer in letting guys step up or fail (I think it has paid dividends with the SP's...Tilllman's last and Gonzo tonight, knowing that the rescue isn't coming and they have to pitch with something less than their best stuff) but clearly JJ has gone around the bend.

Hunter or O'Day right now I guess. Not like Tommy did himself any favors yesterday though.

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I was pretty surprised Buck didn't go O'Day for the RHB at #9 and Matusz for the LHB from 1 to 4. The top of the Yanks line up is clearly susceptible to left handed pitching yet we didn't utilize it. I'm disappointed.

It is pretty clear that JJ just doesn't have his command in a lot of outings right now. The stuff is still there for the most part, but the command was pretty awful tonight. For the first time, JJ looked uncomfortable to me. It is time to do things differently for awhile.

Are you really surprised? If you are, I would think you haven't watched Buck manage at all.

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Piece of **** ***got can't throw a mother ****ing strike. ****ing kill yourself you ****ing joke.

I'm pretty sure this is the first neg rep I've ever given.

Temper tantrums aside, yeah, something's got to change.

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