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Britton for Wright and $4M


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I dont care what defense everyone will be giving for signing Wright, he barely gets out of the 5th inning in a large majority of his starts, hes essentially the exact opposite of what this team needed..... And don't get me wrong, I feel that Britton (who due to his weight HAS to have either type two diabetes or heart disease, or both) wasn't much to give up, but I also feel that looking back on this offseason the FO will be essentially quiet but will continually remind us, "Hey, at least we got Jaret Wright".........I will now plug in the toaster and drop it in the bathtub with me.

Sorry all, had to rant, frustration boils over at certain points, this would be one of them. I'd also have to say that we are a mortal lock for signing an over-the-hill former star outfielder, I wonder if I'll be able to order my Alou jersey in time for Christmas! :mad:

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The O's have the 2nd worst pitching staff in baseball. They need to improve it.

The O's pen probably needed to add three relievers to Ray, Britton, Burres and Penn.

Now they need to add 4 relievers.

Relying of rookies who are not ready for the majors is how the O's posted a 5.35 ERA.

Add RLo to the pen.

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Until all moves have been made, it doesn't make alot of sense to critique them individually, but it does give us something to do I suppose...

I think that is the best point anyone can make! I took a 3-4 month break just out of frustration, but now can at least take about something new.

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I agree that Britton can be replaced by Liz, but can he? Can Liz pitch to a sub 4.00 ERA in the bullpen? Doesn't Liz have only one pitch?

Yes, Britton is a tad overweight and only has one pitch... but there are even more question marks surrounding Wright.

And you don't (or shouldn't) value players based on whether or not you have a guy to replace him. Britton has value because he's young, cheap, and pitched reasonably well, especially considering his lack of experience. You don't give a guy away just because you have someone who could replace him - you use him as a piece to get something you need because you have the flexibility to trade him if you have to.

Other teams don't have a queue of young arms ready to go. The O's do. They need to exploit that strength, rather than looking at it as surplus that can be discarded.

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The O's really struggled with the pen last year, bad pitching but also being over worked from starters only lasting through 5 or so innings. Penn, RLopez, and Wright have all been mentioned about being in the bullpen. If the O's still sign a starter (Padilla, Lilly, Meche...whatever) Penn can be AAA with two possible long men/spot starters which makes more sense for this young team. Maybe not the best plan, but the O's might benefit from having 7 starters on the roster with others not far behind in the minors. Also at least one of RLopez, Benson, or Wright should pitch well enough to get a decent return at the trade deadline, maybe even 2 of them (when you look at 1 of the 3 performing it increases the chances of someone being tradeable). Then add Penn to the rotation and see how the season finishes.

OD 2007 SP:





FA signing

Wright and RLopez in the pen

Season End SP:




FA signing

Penn or Olson

possibly move Olson to long man to get some experience aganist MLer's

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Stjoesosfan just had the rainy Monday morning syndrome kick in. That along with thinking about the O's can create mental havoc. The same feeling overwhelmed me this morning in the shower and I grabbed my electric shaver....but of course it is battery powered.....:D

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.To say it probably won't happen would mean you are ignoring every piece of statistical evidence and are relying on hope.

First of all, why mention anything about Britton closing? Is that the only valuable spot for a reliever?

And Britton, at the young age of 24 and fresh off of a very strong MiL career and a solid rookie season, has potential to be a closer down the line as he gains more confidence in his curve, perhaps adds another pitch and just gains experience.

The odds are more in favor of Britton being a very solid reliever than Wright staying healthy, throwing 180+ innings and being good for us for a few years.

Every role in the bullpen has some potential value. Only closers and top notche setup men are hard to come by, though. Even *if* we think Britton will be a solid middle reliever (Which I'm not solid on, but, obviously, it's possible), those type of players are fairly easy to pick up for fairly little money relative to starting pitchers and starting position players. We could pick up a free agent who at least as, and possibly more, likely to be able to fill the "solid non-closer non-setup guy middle relief" role for us as Britton. That makes Britton's value to us negligible, in my view, assuming a projection of something between "career minor leaguer and solid middle reliever". Like Duquette said, you almost always take a starter over a reliever (I'm assuming he meant in part due to scarcity, economics, and other considerations).

The fact that the Orioles bullpen was so horrible last year shouldn't lead us to imagine that middle of the roadish relievers are very expensive or hard to come by. We just didn't prioritize them properly last off-season. Early indications are that we're looking for three this off-season, and that they are a reasonable priority for us. Plus, with another starter in addition to Wright, we can maybe shift Loewen and Lopez to the pen (Granted, Lopez doesn't like pitching in relief and could be an attitude problem there, but I think he's actually got potential to be a very good reliever versus a starter, he's had some success in the pen). If we can start the season with Chris Ray closing, three solid veteran middle relievers, Loewen, Lopez, and Hoey (or Williams or whomever) as our seven man bullpen, I think we might be able to manage with that, depending on the quality of the three middle relievers.

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The Orioles trade right handed relief pitcher Chris Britton to the New York Yankees for right handed starting pitcher Jaret Wright and 4 million dollars.

Grade: C-

The Orioles traded their second best reliever and weakened their biggest weakness. They traded for Jaret Wright, whose contract the Yankees were going to buy out and make him a free agent. The Orioles decided to trade for him instead because they figured he would cost more if they tried to sign him on the market. At first look this is a bad deal. But after hearing all sides, its not all bad. Jim Duquette said you trade a reliever for a starter every time, Wright gives us someone to put at the back end of the rotation or in the bullpen, and its just the start of the plan and there are more moves on the way. With that said, I like the deal a little more. This allows us to trade one or both of Kris Benson and Rodrigo Lopez and gives us more versatility in what we can do. That is all the judgment I can make for now, until more moves (or lack thereof) are made.


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