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Is Brent Gardner really a 12.5m a year player?


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Gardner's deal is for $12.5m a year 2015-2018, plus 12.5m option 2019, 2m buyout</p>— Buster Olney (@Buster_ESPN) <a href="

">February 23, 2014</a></blockquote>

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This is a awful deal.

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It's a good deal for the Yankees. He's only 29; he plays hard and gives 100%; he gets on base; he's always a threat to steal with his speed; and he plays great defense. He has had one major injury, a freak injury at that, which cost him almost all of the 2012 season when he hurt his elbow diving for a ball in the OF. If you look at him it's obvious he takes good care of himself.

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It's a good deal for the Yankees. He's only 29; he plays hard and gives 100%; he gets on base; he's always a threat to steal with his speed; and he plays great defense. He has had one major injury, a freak injury at that, which cost him almost all of the 2012 season when he hurt his elbow diving for a ball in the OF. If you look at him it's obvious he takes good care of himself.

Gardner is 30 now, turning 31 in August. Otherwise, I pretty much agree with this analysis. For the Yankees, he is worth 4/$52 mm. Isn't that what they paid Johnny Damon?

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Seems like a stretch to me, especially considering his (lack of) durability

Paying a premium for that career .352 OBP... which of course is better than any Oriole

OBP will be our achilles again this year.

You must be totally bummed about the past 2 weeks. A lot less to complain about now. You're gonna be miserable when we make the playoffs.

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Seems like a stretch to me, especially considering his (lack of) durability

Paying a premium for that career .352 OBP... which of course is better than any Oriole

OBP will be our achilles again this year.

You must be totally bummed about the past 2 weeks. A lot less to complain about now. You're gonna be miserable when we make the playoffs.

If the Orioles win at least 54% of their games in April and May, he's going to be miserable a lot sooner than when and if the Orioles clinch a playoff birth in September.

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Seems like a stretch to me, especially considering his (lack of) durability

Paying a premium for that career .352 OBP... which of course is better than any Oriole

OBP will be our achilles again this year.

You must be totally bummed about the past 2 weeks. A lot less to complain about now. You're gonna be miserable when we make the playoffs.
If the Orioles win at least 54% of their games in April and May, he's going to be miserable a lot sooner than when and if the Orioles clinch a playoff birth in September.
Why 54%?

AT LEAST 54 %.

That would be at a pace to finish at about 88-74. That would likely make a chronic complainer pretty miserable.

Anything more than that (55% or more), and he will undoubtedly be miserable well before the season's end by late September.

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