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College Players leaving early thread

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I just read a fascinating article about the NBA's proposed age limit. It seems that the limit won't be helping colleges keep recruits after all. Instead, it'll likely hurt the NCAA even more, as the NBA will be expanding the NBDL to 15 teams (each NBA team will share an NBDL franchise with one other team), and the HS players who go in the draft will be allowed to play there until they are 20. But here's the clincher: they will still get paid their regular rookie salaries as if they were in the NBA! So there's no risk to the players. They may as well go pro then. They get their money, but they get to develop at their normal pace against decent competition. And the NBA teams pay the money (big deal :rolleyes: ) but don't have to waste a valuable roster spot on a project.

So guys who are even considering going pro straight from HS will now do so, and they won't have to worry about whether or not it's a huge mistake.


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I just read a fascinating article about the NBA's proposed age limit. It seems that the limit won't be helping colleges keep recruits after all. Instead, it'll likely hurt the NCAA even more, as the NBA will be expanding the NBDL to 15 teams (each NBA team will share an NBDL franchise with one other team), and the HS players who go in the draft will be allowed to play there until they are 20. But here's the clincher: they will still get paid their regular rookie salaries as if they were in the NBA! So there's no risk to the players. They may as well go pro then. They get their money, but they get to develop at their normal pace against decent competition. And the NBA teams pay the money (big deal :rolleyes: ) but don't have to waste a valuable roster spot on a project.

So guys who are even considering going pro straight from HS will now do so, and they won't have to worry about whether or not it's a huge mistake.


Well if that's the case than I'm not too happy about the situation. I was hoping like most college b-ball fans that this would help the college game.

And does anyone else see a huge problem with two NBA teams sharing the same NBDL team? Won't the teams be arguing about who gets playing time, who get to play what position, who takes the most shots, who the coaches are, and so on. That is just asking for problems.

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Rumor has it Felton will declare tomorrow. His local CBS affiliate reported on Friday night that he's decided to go.

And May has gone back on his earlier quotes about definitely staying. He was recently quoted in a Durham newspaper saying, "It's not set in concrete that I will return." My guess is that it'll take M. Williams staying for May to come back.

No news on M. Williams whatsoever.

Also, regarding the age limit, I spoke to some people who rejected the article I posted out of hand. They calimed that there is no lure for young guys to go play in the NBDL, even for NBA money. There is more cache in playing at UNC or Kansas for 2 years than to play in the NBDL. And so given the choice of money and lesser notoriety or no money and more fame, many players will still choose to go to school. The difference is that when they choose that, they'll have to stay for 2 years.

I'm not sure I buy that, though. Couldn't they still stay for only 1 year and then go to the NBDL for a year?

In any case, the age limit isn't going to be a panacea that some think in terms of healing all the NCAA's recruiting wounds.

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If all goes as expected and May and Marv follow McCants and Felton out the door (Mike and Mike this morning quoted May as saying that he was told right now he's a top 20 pick) then UNC is in this kind of trouble:

A worst-case postseason purge would leave junior David Noel (3.9 points) as the Tar Heels' top returning scorer, while reserves Reyshawn Terry and Quinton Thomas scored a combined 101 points this season.

With Wake losing Paul and Williams (I don't see him going back), its a shame UM won't have a solid PG next yr (and that we WILL have Hyphen) or we'd have a chance to do well in a beat-up league. As of now, it appears that Duke should have very little trouble winning the conference next year.

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If all goes as expected and May and Marv follow McCants and Felton out the door (Mike and Mike this morning quoted May as saying that he was told right now he's a top 20 pick) then UNC is in this kind of trouble:

A worst-case postseason purge would leave junior David Noel (3.9 points) as the Tar Heels' top returning scorer, while reserves Reyshawn Terry and Quinton Thomas scored a combined 101 points this season.

With Wake losing Paul and Williams (I don't see him going back), its a shame UM won't have a solid PG next yr (and that we WILL have Hyphen) or we'd have a chance to do well in a beat-up league. As of now, it appears that Duke should have very little trouble winning the conference next year.

NC will be hurting next year, but its not as dire as that paragraph will have you believe. Noel is a talented player who simply was not required to score. His jumper is OK and he is one of the most athletic players in the ACC. Terry also is a better player than his point total would indicate, he hardly played at all the second half of the year, but always seemed able to hit a three the few times he was called upon. I'm worried about QT at the point, but an offseason in the program should help a lot. That plus the incoming freshmen, along with it being an apparent 'down year' for much of the conference, and NC will be OK next year, and very good beyond that, as their class for '06 is reported to be tremendous.

As much as it sickens me to say it, you could see Duke go undefeated in conference next year. Ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little, and it tastes awful.... :(

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As much as it sickens me to say it, you could see Duke go undefeated in conference next year. Ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little, and it tastes awful.... :(

Nobody will ever go undefeated in the ACC, mark it down, if anybody does I will eat my hat...

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BL-I was actually going to write that it is possible, for the first time in many many years (that such a thing is even possible), for an ACC team to run the table in league play. I also felt sick about it and chickened out. SG must be loving this!

While I agree that UNC will still have talent (their stud PF recruit will really have a chance to become their superstar as a Freshman, a rarity in UNC) being so young and so untested will present them with major hurdles to being anything more than a one and done tournament team. They are lucky that the league will be way down next yr so there will not be any 5-11 or 6-10 finishes. I agree Noel has talent but now he will not only have to be one of the "men" he will also do so w/o any of the players he had last season. That's a difficult challenge. I just wish UM had a solid team to take advantage of the down time in the conference. Oh well.

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Guys, Sheldon Williams might very well leave and Randolph is expected to transfer. If those two things happen Duke won't be that good.
If Shav leaves, Puke will actually be better!!!

LOL, I think he had more fouls than points scored on the season.

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If Shav leaves, Puke will actually be better!!!

LOL, I think he had more fouls than points scored on the season.

I was going to say the same thing...after the Duke game at home, my friends and I named a "Shavlik Randolph Award" recipient at the end of every game we watched, live or on TV. This award goes to the player or players with more fouls than points, bonus for fouling out with no points as our dear Shavlik did. Our fund donated no scholarship money to their school in their name, but we'd be happy to give the winners lessons on how to cut their steak without their mother's help if they truly are disciples of Shavlik. ;)

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If Shav leaves, Puke will actually be better!!!

LOL, I think he had more fouls than points scored on the season.

But he did give them an extra big man too get some rebounds, play interior D and use his fouls. If him and Sheldon leave they'll basically only have their freshman as interior players. And that tall white guy who barely played last year.

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