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vs. YANKEES, 9/25


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The Orioles are a million games in front of the division, they have already beaten the Yankees 13 times out of 18 so far this season, and I will still be pissed if they lose this game.

My, oh my.

We Oriole fans sure have gotten greedy as of late, haven't we ???


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The Orioles are a million games in front of the division, they have already beaten the Yankees 13 times out of 18 so far this season, and I will still be pissed if they lose this game.

My, oh my.

We Oriole fans sure have gotten greedy as of late, haven't we ???

After about 4 straight seasons like this one. My burning hatred of the Yanks may have subsided.

On second thought! They have 13 more years of this coming to them! Might be satisfied then.


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OK, tie game after one inning.

You threw a gazillion pitches, Kevin ...... partially your own fault, and partially the defense's fault.

Just forget about all of that, and shut the Yankees down in innings 2, 3, 4, and 5.

You can do it, buddy.

One down, three to go.
Two down, two to go.
Three down, one to go.

OOo Done.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Caleb Joseph in 0-for-27 slump <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>? Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="
">September 26, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Seriously, it annoys the hell out of me that Roch keeps tweeting from the future. Is he in China or something? He's a full day ahead of the rest of the country all week.

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After about 4 straight seasons like this one. My burning hatred of the Yanks may have subsided.

On second thought! They have 13 more years of this coming to them! Might be satisfied then.


Call me a spiteful jerk but I want their fans to experience what we did from 98-11. That this is a disappointment year for the Yanks shows you how big the self entitlement is.

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