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Hardy Extension Announced Today


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For the Deferred money, people need to remember that Angelos does not pay Hardy , the Orioles do. Meaning, not only is Anglelos getting a discount through TVM (Time-value of money), but he may not pay it at all if he sells before the maturation date of the deferment...

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Seems a good amount for our next 3rd baseman.

(:vader: Juuust kidding).

Seriously though, the bread and butter for this team is defense, then bullpen, then homers. Shifts further help the D, but that doesn't matter if you put a guy in position who can't field the ball. Glad to hear this and I think the timing is perfect.

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3 @ $12 per is certainly not going to break the team. Very reasonable.

Yeah I don't really get how people can even be opposed to this deal. Maybe if it was like 7-8 years ago, but it seems lately that Angelos is willing to open up the checkbook. Especially with the great playoff run and the seemingly increased attendance next year from all of the season plans they sold with playoff tickets as incentive. I don't know, I could be wrong.

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It also makes the amount cheaper for the team if they place the money in a nice account to draw interest. If it is deferred to say 2019 and the team puts 3-4 million into an account that is all it will actually cost them as the rest will just come from interest.

That's what the Mets tried to do with Bonilla. But then they gave the money to Bernie Madoff.

Depends on the terms. Maybe the player will be receiving interest on the money. Bonilla made a mint off his deferment with the Mets. We won't know until terms are released.

Did Bonilla even get that much, all in all? I know the dollar figure was big, but that was because of the long period over which it was deferred, and because the money was earning interest for him over time. (He's getting paid by the Mets until 2035, apparently.) I wonder what the interest rate was? IIRC, the story I read about it when this first came out made it sound like the Mets would have made a profit on the deal if the investment with Madoff came through as promised. But a quick Google search isn't turning up any numbers other than just the actual payouts, and I suck at figuring that stuff out. :)

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Seems a good amount for our next 3rd baseman.

(:vader: Juuust kidding).

Seriously though, the bread and butter for this team is defense, then bullpen, then homers. Shifts further help the D, but that doesn't matter if you put a guy in position who can't field the ball. Glad to hear this and I think the timing is perfect.

I certainly hope he is our next third baseman. He and Manny should switch after next season.

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For the Deferred money, people need to remember that Angelos does not pay Hardy , the Orioles do. Meaning, not only is Anglelos getting a discount through TVM (Time-value of money), but he may not pay it at all if he sells before the maturation date of the deferment...

Potayto, potahto. If the payment to Hardy is still on the books when Angelos sells the team, it will just reduce the team's overall value (and thus the sale price).

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I'm usually one of the fiscal conservatives here and I think payroll flexibility is a key. That being said, this extension doesn't bother me. It's reasonable, especially when you factor in the Orioles have no one ready to take over and the FA market for SS's isn't great either. And I haven't forgotten the black hole at short a few years back.

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That's what the Mets tried to do with Bonilla. But then they gave the money to Bernie Madoff.

Did Bonilla even get that much, all in all? I know the dollar figure was big, but that was because of the long period over which it was deferred, and because the money was earning interest for him over time. (He's getting paid by the Mets until 2035, apparently.) I wonder what the interest rate was? IIRC, the story I read about it when this first came out made it sound like the Mets would have made a profit on the deal if the investment with Madoff came through as promised. But a quick Google search isn't turning up any numbers other than just the actual payouts, and I suck at figuring that stuff out. :)

First paragraph of the first google hit for "bonilla mets contract".

Bobby Bonilla's contract of deferred payments from the New York Mets is considered a laughing stock amongst baseball fans as the Mets chose to give Bonilla 25 payments totaling $29.8 million (starting in 2011) instead of the $5.9 million they owed him in 2000.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-contract-new-york-mets-bobby-bonilla-2013-7#ixzz3FfmfgEi9

The article makes it sound like the Mets got a decent deal but I question the 8% a year roi they are using.

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Yeah I don't really get how people can even be opposed to this deal. Maybe if it was like 7-8 years ago, but it seems lately that Angelos is willing to open up the checkbook. Especially with the great playoff run and the seemingly increased attendance next year from all of the season plans they sold with playoff tickets as incentive. I don't know, I could be wrong.

That is my thought as well. I can't imagine what would be said if we had a deep playoff run and then didn't take that extra money and put it back into the team. Everyone would be all over Peter for just pocketing the money.

Is there anyway to find out how much extra value the team will make if they make the world series. It should be an increase in ticket sales, concesssions, and a pretty big bump in merchandise. Do they get som,e TV money as well.?

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That is my thought as well. I can't imagine what would be said if we had a deep playoff run and then didn't take that extra money and put it back into the team. Everyone would be all over Peter for just pocketing the money.

Is there anyway to find out how much extra value the team will make if they make the world series. It should be an increase in ticket sales, concesssions, and a pretty big bump in merchandise. Do they get som,e TV money as well.?

Reinvestment doesn't necessarily mean in players already on the roster.

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