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2015 Orioles


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I think Nick is resigned. 50/50 on Miller and Cruz.

Mostly just small additions, though we may go after someone like Butler if Cruz leaves.

Really not sure about Davis. He's gonna get 11-12M this year, and it's very unlikely he's anywhere near that valuable, though he is a lottery ticket.

Good chance that a SP is traded. Probably Norris, especially if we're in a money crunch.

Also, I wonder what we could get for Tillman.

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I actually hope we somehow resign Nick.

Then I wouldn't mind seeing us get Wieters restablished and then trade him midseason for two younger pieces who match the OBP, speed thing - to balance our lineup.

Groom Joseph into the starter role. Keep Hundley as backup.

I would try to extend Davis in the offseason to a reasonable deal. I think his value has dropped. Good time to buy low.

Sign V. Mart for DH. Plant Lough in left.

So, Nick is problematic because he doesn't produce more than a 1.5 to 2 WAR player at this stage of his career, but the market is thin.

Your assessment of Wieters is unrealistic because he'll be in his walk year. Young C prospects? Not a lot of bargaining power there. Better to hold onto him if they can't extend him and get a pick. Either way, Joseph is a back up catcher. At 28 going on 29 it's hard to "groom" someone to be a ML catcher. Hundley has a sizable option that won't be picked up by the team.

Davis is a bargain but there's no reason to extend him. His 2013 season at that age has rarely if ever been reproduced and again, we get a pick when he walks.

V Martinez had an MVP type season at DH. You think the Orioles will give him the years and dollars to beat all comers on the open market? Take a few seconds.

Now, the last statement here I like. Lough is a better value than De Aza even though De Aza isn't particularly expensive. Lough is a better defender and was starting to hit when they acquired De Aza. Seems like they gave up on him. I wouldn't be against them bringing back both, with maybe Pearce getting time in LF vs LHP.

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Same lineup? I didn't see machado, MW, or Chris Davis out there. Bring Cruz back. Give miller closer money to stay. New closer. Non tender Matusz and hunter. Gausman starts in the rotation day 1. Make a run at Lester

The comment was directed at the fact that he wants a new hitting coach but is bringing back most of the veterans, yet expects them to change their approach.

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Actually, after seeing Gonzo's performance today, after a terrific last half of regular season, I want him further up the rotation than #5 starter. I would like to see him as #2 or (gasp!) Opening Day starter.

We need six or more guys who can start. It doesn't matter what order they are in.

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For those of you wanting Miller and Cruz back, you do realize how expensive that is going to be right? Cruz is already projected to get 4/48 to 4/52 and Miller is likely to get something like 3/30 to 4/36.

4/52 isn't insanely expensive... 13M per season AAV. It's already widely thought we're going to give Cruz a QO this upcoming season (worth 15.3M for 2015).

Is your objection on the years, rather than the money? That may be an extremely valid objection. I personally don't feel that Cruz will decline quite as badly as others seem to think he will in upcoming seasons... and 4 years is getting into the realm of making me uncomfortable.

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Some of my thoughts: I realize that many people want Davis back. They remember his 2013 season. But then we get to his 2014 season. His BA was mostly below the Mendoza line. He had some HRs, though not as many as in 2013. We really don't need swing-for-the-fences-strikout guys. We need solid hitters with a good OBP preferably with a strong SLG as well, in essence, a good OPS guy. I don't think that Davis fits that bill. Plus Davis showed very poor judgment on the Aderal issue. Can we trust his judgment again? So my opinion, non-tender Davis and let him go. Let Pearce play 1st base. Use the money to get a good 2B or OF.

As for pitching, maybe we could use some of Davis' s money to resign Andrew Miller and/or Nelson Cruz. They need to resign Cruz at any rate. Back to pitching, I would move Gonzo much higher than #5 starter. He should, at the very least, be #3. We now have 6 starting pitchers, counting Ubaldo. Ubaldo isn't going anywhere. No one would take him in trade with that big contractHe would only be gone if he were to be released ouright, and we eat up the 3 remaining years of his salary. He showed that he learned a few things after his bullpen demotion. I believe that he can learn a few things more and develop into a serviceable #4 or #5 starter, even if a bit overpaid for that. As for the others, my own picks would be (besides Gonzo) Gausman, Chen, Norris and Tillman, which equals 6 starters. Perhaps trade Tillman or Norris for a decent OPS 2nd baseman.

As for catching, Wieters should be back, healthy. Perhaps Caleb Joseph as backup.

Bring back Delmon Young for the bench. Hopefully, Machado can keep both of his knees healthy. Hopefully, Jones can learn more plate discipline. He was better in the final games, getting walks rather thsn free swinging. I am not sure who could replace Markakis or De Aza. Just a few thoughts.

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I hate the O's offensive approach. I hate it. I hate the feast/famine, score runs in bunches when the ball leaves the Yard (and few-to-none when it doesn't) style of baseball.

That said (and it's been said many times over the last few days), the Royals hit their fair share of balls out of the park this postseason, including several against the Orioles. They didn't "small ball" the O's to death, and the O's didn't fail to put a gigantic number of balls in play relative to the Royals. The Royals simply hit the ball to the right part(s) of the ballpark more often than the O's did.

But again, I generally hate the O's offensive approach...I just don't think it has any chance whatsoever of changing on a team-wide scale between now and next April.

I get the philosophy... build the team to your home ballpark, where you play half your games. A power team in a hitter's park works very well at times.

Until it doesn't. Like when the air is cold and dry, and the ball doesn't travel. Or when you're playing crucial away games at a horrendously huge pitcher's park.

Believe me, I get your frustration too.

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C Wieters (Joseph)

1B Pearce (Walker)

2B Schoop

SS Hardy

3B Machado (Flaherty)

DH V. Martinez

RF De Aza (Pearce)

CF Jones

RF Markakis (Lough)

I would go after VMart who should command a similar contract to Cruz based on his age, is a better contact hitter, strikes out less, and will be okay at DH all year (can field a better defensive LF) and doesn't carry the stigma (fear) of repeated PED suspension as Cruz does. Better hit for average and a lefty power bat in our lineup would be a great complement to what we have since losing Davis' presence who has been relegated to a non-contact, strikeout machine who has likely been cheating all along. Cut ties with Davis and use his money towards VMart. If we learned anything in this playoff loss it's that we need better plate discipline and more contact. Don't blow everything up and change all that you do but give yourself as a team a few more options to create situations for success. Little things like improved contact, less reliance on big swings. I believe our haplessness would've been compounded had Davis been in there and improved with the presence of a VMart.

As for pitching, I am in favor of trading one of our starters for a non-pitching prospect or two. We're stuck with Ubaldo's contract and despite what many claim, you can have too much starting pitching. That's what we have especially with the rise of Gausman seen and Bundy expected to be next in line.

And of course, I'm a big proponent of bringing back Miller as Buck would appreciate and use him wisely and effectively towards securing many wins when considering this still needs to be a strength with the lack of TOR starters on our staff.

I understand he might be too expensive however but he's who I'd place a high priority on.

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Don't want any part of Cruz, I think whatever he gets the team who gets him is going to way over pay. The guy is in his mid 30's and a major decline could be right around the bend. And remember he brings no defensive value at all.

I'd like Davis back and I think he and Ubaldo can be our bounce back candidates.

Markakis I have feeling will eventually be back but not till after some haggling between DD and Buck. You just have to hope he can mantain his production and slip too far. If we do decide to not retain him we save quite a bit of money.

Gausman hopefully will be able to be able to throw that 3rd pitch consistently and make the jump to TOR. I don't know what Bundy's timeline is exactly but I could see him back post all star break.

Machado healthy is another huge key, no more devastating injuries please.

Rotation: should be similar, though I could see a starter traded.

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De Aza is bench player. He's not better than Lough who bounce back pretty good at second half. I'd love to try him as a leadoff.

The players that i'd target: Will Venable if they do not bring back Markakis. Yonder Alonso for his OBP abilities. Corey Hart just because he's going to cost nothing. Kendrys Morales is Cruz type addition - low risk high reward, especially after this pathetic season. Two interesting names that could be had but for good package: Adrian Beltre and Dexter Fowler.

And by the way, i like this cuban defector, 2B Jose Fernandez. The guy is OBP machine. Try for him.

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De Aza is bench player. He's not better than Lough who bounce back pretty good at second half. I'd love to try him as a leadoff.

The players that i'd target: Will Venable if they do not bring back Markakis. Yonder Alonso for his OBP abilities. Corey Hart just because he's going to cost nothing. Kendrys Morales is Cruz type addition - low risk high reward, especially after this pathetic season. Two interesting names that could be had but for good package: Adrian Beltre and Dexter Fowler.

And by the way, i like this cuban defector, 2B Jose Fernandez. The guy is OBP machine. Try for him.

Love this idea, but how is his defense?

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Given how the Ubaldo contract has worked so far, what makes people think we will give another contract like that to a pitcher?

I just hope to have 2014's full projected lineup again.










When we signed Cruz I was really looking forward to that beast of a lineup

But, I don't think we ever saw the full lineup with Cruz, Wieters, Manny, and Davis this year.

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