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Do we trade a starter?


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Buck knows. He knows the tendencies and we are the ones playing catchup.

Buck knows that McLouth, De Aza and Flaherty don't hit lefties as well a as righties. So Buck avoids lefties when ever the can with those players.

Buck knows that Chen and Gonzalez don't pitch as well when they consistently pitch on 4 days rest. So he gets them more rest whenever he can. He avoids their weakness of 4 days rest when he can.

And we are not ahead of Buck here seeing that Jimenez does not pitch well most of the time in April. Buck knows. And its likely that he will take action to avoid Jimenez's weakness.

We are not ahead of Buck. We are just play catchup and trying to understand what strengths he will employ and what weaknesses he will try to avoid.

Buck knows.

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That and the contract he signed. He wasn't going to start the year in the pen.

Yes, sure. After the way he pitched in 2013 he was going to start the year in the rotation. But he did go to the pen last year and the O's will probably handle him differently this year.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Don't mean this to be a knock on Jason Vargas but he shows value of average pitchers. Signed 4 yr, $32-million deal last winter.</p>— Phil Rogers (@philgrogers) <a href="

">October 26, 2014</a></blockquote>

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