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Steve Pearce and Orioles settle arbitration case for $3.7 million


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Roch thinks it will be De Aza.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>De Aza, 1 of the 3 unsigned, submitted $5.650 million and <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a> countered at $5 million. Small gap but he's most likely to go to hearing</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">January 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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I think he is the most likely to win, even his requested amount came well under MLBTR's projection.

I would prefer him to Britton.

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Just under $4 Million for one year is right where the average salary is.

Good deal for the Orioles.

More money for Pearce than all of the amount of money combined in his career so far ($2.235 Million total between 2009 and 2014.)

Good deal for Pearce.

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As a general matter, the O's have been very generous in these settlements so far. They must think that with all the TV money driving up free agent salaries, the arbitrators are going to be inclined to bump up the Arb guys as well.

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