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Davis thinks his poor performance was due to an injury


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I maybe in the minority here.

I don't really care, why he had problems last year. Doesn't change things.

However, that said.

I said last year, and still believe it will be true. Last year, was a blip and I believe Davis will be back to being Crush this year.

You don't care what the cause of the issue was but you are confident that cause won't be an issue this year?

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You don't care what the cause of the issue was but you are confident that cause won't be an issue this year?

Will we the public ever be told?

Who knows what it was, maybe it was the injury, maybe his confidence was lacking and he wasn't seeing the ball very well. Which I believe he did say at one point.

Bottom line, he sounds healthy, he has a MLB approval for Adderall.

So yes, I am confident he will return to what he was here.

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Will we the public ever be told?

Who knows what it was, maybe it was the injury, maybe his confidence was lacking and he wasn't seeing the ball very well. Which I believe he did say at one point.

Bottom line, he sounds healthy, he has a MLB approval for Adderall.

So yes, I am confident he will return to what he was here.

Thumbs up for optimism.

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I tend to agree, but he had 127 batted balls to LF (zones 1-6) in 2014, compared to 85 in 2013 (in fewer PA's). The difference isn't as pronounced as I thought it would be though.

2014: 085 batted balls to LF in 525 PA's; 16.2% of the time

2013: 127 batted balls to LF in 673 PA's; 18.9% of the time

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Gotta love those opposite field homers!

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Why not be optimistic, it's not even ST.

come June 1st and if he is batting .198, then I will be among the OHers telling DD, it's time to move on and find a replacement bat.

I guess you haven't heard or are very old. Batting averages do not mean a thing:)

Sorry - I am trying to be funny. And this post is in reference to an earlier thread.

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Why not be optimistic, it's not even ST.

come June 1st and if he is batting .198, then I will be among the OHers telling DD, it's time to move on and find a replacement bat.

I guess you haven't heard or are very old. Batting averages do not mean a thing:)

Sorry - I am trying to be funny. And this post is in reference to an earlier thread.

It means something. Otherwise Mark Reynolds would be a sought after player. It just doesn't always mean as much at is appears. Chris had a very similar season last year to Nick Markakis. I hope he gets more frequent hits this season. And I'm an old guy too.

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Whether he is best, mid or worst case in 2015, I've had a growing sense this is his last Oriole year. I think some of it is seeing Christian Walker getting a little more prospect love than I imagined - I think Keith Law called him a fringe regular, which is a solid evaluation from him.

Because HR/RBI get paid in free agency and Duquette's preference for up the middle players, I feel like if the Orioles are ever going to pay Boras's price, it's going to be on Wieters not Davis. And hoping for both seems like beyond the pale.

From a right player, right price perspective, Walker in 2016 at the major league minimum feels like a near slam dunk over Davis's free agent number for the next few years. Today I'd peg the odds of Crush as a 2016 Oriole in the 5-10% range.

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It means something. Otherwise Mark Reynolds would be a sought after player. It just doesn't always mean as much at is appears. Chris had a very similar season last year to Nick Markakis. I hope he gets more frequent hits this season. And I'm an old guy too.

I know. It was my point all along that batting averages mean something.

Sorry - I should not have brought up an earlier debate. I was trying to agree with RedskinRick and a .198 avg

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Will we the public ever be told?

Who knows what it was, maybe it was the injury, maybe his confidence was lacking and he wasn't seeing the ball very well. Which I believe he did say at one point.

Bottom line, he sounds healthy, he has a MLB approval for Adderall.

So yes, I am confident he will return to what he was here.

According to Eduardo Encina he didn't have the exemption in 2012 or 2013, two good offensive years.

Baltimore Sun December 16, 2014

After the Orioles acquired Davis in July 2011, he re-applied for an exemption believed to be for the 2012 season and was denied. Davis did not re-apply after that, and it is believed he did not have an exemption for 2012 or 2013, when he hit a club-record 53 home runs, according to sources.

I'm glad CD says he healthy. I wish I were as optimistic as you about his return to form.

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I think the O's think it was injury related. I think that's part of the reason why they were ok losing a little offense in the offseason. I think they are counting on Davis and Machado to have very productive seasons.

I'd be willing to bet we're relying on more than 9 homers from JJ as well.

Pretty sure our offense, and team in general, will be fine this season. Even without spending millions and millions on free agents like so many people want to do.

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