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O's offer vouchers to Saturday's ticket buyers - Monday AND Tuesday Games PPD


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<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>This is Jason Butler. He showed up this morning to clean up a devastated neighborhood <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BaltimoreRiots?src=hash">#BaltimoreRiots</a> <a href="http://t.co/A6jFFDLphZ">pic.twitter.com/A6jFFDLphZ</a></p>— Megan Pringle (@MeganWBAL) <a href="

">April 28, 2015</a></blockquote> <script asyncsrc="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Sad day . Downtown looks bad. Most 7-Elevens look like they were looted. Glass in the streets. Not sure how long i am going to stay downtown. Maybe go to the O's game. Anyone else hear the rumor or Security Square Mall at 3 PM today? That and Deer park in Randallstown. Might be someone just playing but better safe then sorry.

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Pretty tough to stop an angry mob. The cops didn't stop them what do you want the people to do?

On social media showed a video clip of some woman, maybe the guy's wife or mother, grabbing him by the back of the head and giving him a good beat down.

Of course, this is a lone incident, and you are right. Cops in riot gear couldn't stop the thugs.

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We shall see. Next year,in Wyoming. Casper Ghosts.Maybe the Wyoming Buckaroos. Buck's face on the uniform saying next man up on a horse.
I thought Buck's face was going up on Mount Rushmore? o:)

Showalter was an integral part of returning the Orioles to perennial contender status after more than a decade of consecutive losing seasons.

I don't think that Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, or Theodore Roosevelt could have done that.

Don't underestimate our manager.

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On social media showed a video clip of some woman, maybe the guy's wife or mother, grabbing him by the back of the head and giving him a good beat down.

Of course, this is a lone incident, and you are right. Cops in riot gear couldn't stop the thugs.

That's because they were undermanned, or outnumbered, and held back by the Mayor. My Cat could do a better job than the morons running Baltimore and the State of Maryland.

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