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Update on Matt Wieters - Looking like June 4th Return

Redskins Rick

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I look as Wieters return as providing sustainability to the catcher positional value. In other words, his return can help O's maintain a 5 win pace out of the catcher position.

Long run full season 2015 of CJ + Wieters = 5 WAR.

Now if could just get SP and Pearce straightened out.

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I don't think adding Wieters is going to win us many games over Joseph. I think Matt is also going to be REALLY, REALLY feeling the pressure to perform due to his pending free agent status and he may well be awful at the plate for quite a while.

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If Paredes continues to perform at DH and gets benched every other day with Wieters DHing (to get his bat back), I will not be happy. If he is not ready to hit, I don't want him back. We hear he is catching 8 or 9 innings...what is his bat doing against A Ball players?

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If Paredes continues to perform at DH and gets benched every other day with Wieters DHing (to get his bat back), I will not be happy. If he is not ready to hit, I don't want him back. We hear he is catching 8 or 9 innings...what is his bat doing against A Ball players?

There is nothing to suggest that will be the case.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Matt Wieters will start rehab assignment next Tuesday at AA Bowie. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="

">May 19, 2015</a></blockquote>

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I don't think adding Wieters is going to win us many games over Joseph. I think Matt is also going to be REALLY, REALLY feeling the pressure to perform due to his pending free agent status and he may well be awful at the plate for quite a while.

Most likely, but Wieters has upside with the bat that's not there for Joseph.

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