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Os Sign O'Day for 4 Years - It's official


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I asked when the last time the Orioles traded a player at peak value. Jim Johnson was not traded at peak value. Trading a closer has nothing to do with my question.

The larger context of your specific question is a discussion over whether signing O'Day makes it more likely that the O's trade Britton. Obviously JJ was way less valuable than Britton, but it was still something of a surprise to the baseball community. There are obvious differences but to me it is relevant to the discussion. I understand your reasons for disagreeing.

If you want an answer to your specific question, then you have to go back to the Koji and Bedard trades. Seems like a long time ago, but still recent enough in the organization's memory that DD should understand the opportunity if one arises. DD knows very well how we got Davis and Jones.

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1. I like O'Day and wanted to see him back

2. I fully understood why they let Andrew Miller walk

With that said, how is it that they thought O'Day was worth almost $8 mil./year when they didn't think Miller was worth $9 mil./year? :confused:

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Something has to be up. Everything that's happened so far has gone completely against everything the Orioles usually do in the offseason.

I'm thinking along this line also. They might be bumping payroll up a fair share. O'Day coming back on this deal is a complete shocker to me.

Duquette is as pragmatic as they come. I doubt he would have blown a good portion of his budget this early unless he was assured there would be significant a bump in payroll.

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Adam is happy.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Actual footage of <a href="https://twitter.com/DODay56">@DODay56</a> pitching in the eighth inning. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/RoyalRevenge?src=hash">#RoyalRevenge</a> <a href="http://t.co/MFEKVgb1q8">pic.twitter.com/MFEKVgb1q8</a></p>— Orioles on MASN (@masnOrioles) <a href="

">August 27, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Interesting wrinkle in O'Day talks. Os VP Brady Anderson was involved. His old player agent was Jeff Borris, O'Day's agent. Mutual respect</p>— Dan Connolly (@danconnollysun) <a href="

">December 6, 2015</a></blockquote>

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The Orioles knew they weren't a contender then. They have not shown any inclination to show that they are willing to retool or rebuild. Trading Britton for prospect(s) is not part of their MO and they have shown ZERO signs of shifting their MO.

They have been contending for the last 3 years. Different situation this year. I am not going to predict a Britton trade, but I wouldn't be surprised either. That scenario seems more likely than a major payroll bump. Basically this whole offseason makes no sense to me so nothing will surprise me at this point.

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Givens should be better than Brach but how many games better, Tony? Come on. Hardy needs surgery and isn't going to get it on his shoulder. His back could act up at any time. Two years in a row with no power. He's done as an offensive force. Power was the only thing he brought to the table. Let's hope the defense doesn't start to slip. Jones had pretty close to a normal Jones year. Yes, there are time for some good low cost moves but the best outcome is to put a team that is still a cut below last year's on paper. I'm skeptical that the Orioles will even be real placers on the Kazmir types of starting pitching. Get used to seeing Vance Worley's name penciled in every 5th day.

I guess I'm just not going to get all up and arms on December 6th of the offseason. So far the only thing this offseason I've not been for is offering Wieters a QO. I don't think Davis is worth the money he's going to get from someone and I don't see the Orioles paying that for one guy who's name isn't Machado. The Orioles have a lot of power already, but they need consistent players, not guys who's hit .150 and strike out every other PA for long stretches. I'd like to see them in on Zobrist or Gordon rather than Davis honestly.

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I guess I'm just not going to get all up and arms on December 6th of the offseason. So far the only thing this offseason I've not been for is offering Wieters a QO. I don't think Davis is worth the money he's going to get from someone and I don't see the Orioles paying that for one guy who's name isn't Machado. The Orioles have a lot of power already, but they need consistent players, not guys who's hit .150 and strike out every other PA for long stretches. I'd like to see them in on Zobrist or Gordon rather than Davis honestly.

I've heard 4/60 for Zobrist, would you still be interested at that price?

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    • Thanks @btdart20 I am humbled that you feel that way.  Thanks for reading my work.
    • I don't think it's anything close to 90%.  As of June the brand recognition of the cereal was under 90%. If you have two pretty similar nicknames isn't it just common sense to go with the one that isn't the street name of a drug? And for the record all I was doing was giving a personal preference.  I never said anyone couldn't do whatever the heck they wanted.
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    • Position Players: 2023: 105 wRC+, 16.0 BsR, 54.9 Off, -26.3 Def, 23.8 WAR   2024: 113 wRC+, 1.2 BsR, 90.8 Off, -26.1 Def, 27.0 WAR   The 2023 batters had a clutch score of 8.39. That number is -1.35 this season. The 2023 batters had an xwOBA of .319 (15th). That number is .328 this season (6th). The RISP was also much better last year (as we all know). Not only did they hit for a much higher average (.287 versus .246 this year), but their ISO with RISP jumped up to .195 (it was .166 in all situations).    The defense is about as valuable as last year even though they seem much less reliable. Gunnar has been more valuable defensively according to Fangraphs, the catchers have been worse, Westburg and Mullins have been slightly worse, but Frazier was awful last year at 2B (as was Hicks in the OF) and removing him while adding an elite defender in Cowser puts them about even to last year. The base running is nowhere near as good.   The pitching is slightly worse than last year (18.3 WAR and 3.91 ERA last year, 16.5 WAR and 3.93 ERA this year) but they’ve also had a ton of innings soaked up (mostly due to injuries) by guys that aren’t going to pitch for them in the playoffs. Last year, the below group threw 259 innings and gave up 159 ER’s (5.53 ERA):   Vespi, Irvin, Zimmerman, Fuji, Voth, Lopez, Gillaspie, Flaherty, Akin, Garrett, Givens, Bazardo, McKenna   This year, from they have gotten 366.1 IP from the below group, while giving up 229 ER’s (5.63 ERA):   Vieira, McCann, Krook, Heasley, Rogers, McDermott, Ramirez. Wells, Smith, Povich, Kimbrel, Irvin, Tate, Baker    That means that the rest of the pitching staff in 2023 (besides the above group) threw 1194.2 IP, giving up 472 ER for a 3.55 ERA. In 2024 besides the above group, the rest of the staff has combined for 1022.2 IP, giving up 378 ER for a 3.33 ERA. The 2023 pitching staff had a 6.03 clutch score and a 73.5 LOB%. In 2024, those numbers are -0.93 and 71.4 %. The 2023 pitchers had an xwOBA of .317 (15th). That number is .310 this season (T-9th).    In the offseason, a lot of people were saying this team might be better than last year but finish with a worse record. As frustrating as the last 3 months have been, you could easily make that case. The offense has been better overall, but much worse with RISP and less clutch. The core pitching group has arguably been as good as last year’s, they just had a lot more injuries and innings thrown by fringe guys that won’t be pitching in the playoffs. FWIW, Texas was one of the least clutch teams in the regular season last year and then were unsurprisingly the most clutch team in the playoffs. The Orioles followed up their extremely clutch regular season by being the 2nd least clutch pitching team (only PHI was worse and they played an extra 2 series) and 3rd least clutch batting team (only PHI and MIN were worse - MIN played an extra series as well).    So TLDR. They have arguably been a better team than last year that has dealt with many more injuries, had a lot more PA’s and IP’s from worse players due to those injuries, and have been extremely unclutch. Some of that might be luck, some of it might be skill, but it could change at any time. 
    • And sorta boring, like this thread.
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