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Your level of apathy level for the 2018 season

Moose Milligan

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2 hours ago, Redskins Rick said:

After 14 years of ineptness, most of us didnt see it coming in 2012.

We never predicted a collapse of the Red Sox and Yankees in the same season before.

You are right, baseball never goes as we expected it.

I wouldn’t say “never.”    There were plenty of years where we expected the Yankees to win the division and the Red Sox to win the wild card, and for us to be far behind them, where that’s exactly what happened.    But surprised happen often enough that I take nothing for granted.   

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

I wouldn’t say “never.”    There were plenty of years where we expected the Yankees to win the division and the Red Sox to win the wild card, and for us to be far behind them, where that’s exactly what happened.    But surprised happen often enough that I take nothing for granted.   

It's why the 14 years was so brutal. Surely we'd luck into a .500 season somewhere in 14 years simply "because baseball". 

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Just now, interloper said:

It's why the 14 years was so brutal. Surely we'd luck into a .500 season somewhere in 14 years simply "because baseball". 

We also had a GM with diminished capacities (Syd couldnt even remember who was on the roster), and the quality of managers here was poor.

Thats not the same here with Buck and DD, which is why its mind boggling to understand whats going on here now.

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I'm excited for MiLB to start.

I'm excited for it to be light outside at 8pm. I'm excited for June. I'm excited for the Masters!!!!!! I'm excited to cram in as much golf as possible before June. :)

As it relates to MLB, I'm as apathetic as ever... probably irrationally so. But as I've made no secret, I'm unimpressed with the mismanagement of my beloved Orioles. I'll pay attention, but I won't sit and watch every night intently. It'll be on in the background a couple nights a week.

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

The majority of the team are playing for contracts so it would be very shortsighted of them to mail it in.

In principal you are correct. Does CD have to worry about future contracts? Does Manny take that extra effort to go the extra base or dive? I believe it is impossible for players to give 100% all the time, 90% sure, 100% in certain situations. There are some exceptions...pitchers have to go all out or the results are obvious, position players not as much. Likewise, batters certainly have to maintain close to 100% effort, but in other aspects not so much. I am almost never in favor of signing deals with players in their mid 30's...they are likely cashing their last paychecks.

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2 minutes ago, UpstateNYfan said:

In principal you are correct. Does CD have to worry about future contracts? Does Manny take that extra effort to go the extra base or dive? I believe it is impossible for players to give 100% all the time, 90% sure, 100% in certain situations. There are some exceptions...pitchers have to go all out or the results are obvious, position players not as much. Likewise, batters certainly have to maintain close to 100% effort, but in other aspects not so much. I am almost never in favor of signing deals with players in their mid 30's...they are likely cashing their last paychecks.

I don't think it is possible for anyone to give 100% all the time.

I consider 100% full exertion and that can't be maintained.

But they should be able to focus on their jobs with so much money at stake.

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I do not understand apathy.  I am excited.  I think we have more young players coming than we have in awhile.  I believe Manny and perhaps others will be traded during the year for more players and I think if no moves are made....


Well hope springs eternal.  I cant say I understand what is going on.  I have advocated for months something different is coming and speculated before Christmas that I thought it looked like we were getting ready to be sold.  IF the first thing a team needs to do is cut payroll and get rid of big contracts...the Orioles are certainly at a great time to do just that....

I learned as a player that what matters is the name on the front of the jersey...and the jersey I root for says. ORIOLES!!!

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I was apathetic from about 1999-2004, but got excited during the first half of 2005.  Then got completely pissed when they fiddled while Rome burned.  From the 2nd half of 2005 through 2011 I was a mix of anger and apathy.  I'd watch portions of games here and there, go when my Dad invited, me, etc.  But they got me back in 2012 and I've been on the bandwagon since.  I don't need to have a playoff team every year, although I pray we see a WS title while my Dad is still with us (he's 67).  But what I do expect is an honest, competent effort to field a competitive team every season, OR at the very least, have a competent rebuilding plan in motion.  I can get behind watching a young team at its genesis and waiting for them to take off.  But what I can't abide by, what infuriates and upsets me the most, is incompetence, lip service, and intellectual dishonesty.  We saw that from the fire sale in 2000 that Syd Thrift bumbled in spectacular fashion, through the '03 season, the trying but failing of 2004 and 2005, and then back to the incompetence from there.  At least MacPhail got us started on the track back to respectability, though many of us didn't see it at the time.

I'm a big Buck supporter, and I think DD doesn't get enough credit and takes too much hear in a lot of cases, but what I see right now is total dysfunction in the warehouse.  There is no competent or realistic plan to compete, or rebuild, they're just content to march along with the status quo in the middle of the road and hope they get lucky, but what actually happens is they get run over by the NYY and Boston semi-trucks and become roadkill.

I wouldn't say I'm apathetic.  I care.  I check this site every day.  But I would say that right now, I'm incredibly frustrated, and the level of frustration goes up another notch with each passing day when nothing happens.

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Just now, Can_of_corn said:

I don't think it is possible for anyone to give 100% all the time.

I consider 100% full exertion and that can't be maintained.

But they should be able to focus on their jobs with so much money at stake.

I believe some of it is perception, and we all see things differently.

I never understood how some could knock Eddie Murray on the field play, because I thought he was a helluva player. Cal Jr explained it best one time (at least I think it was Cal), he said Eddie was such an amazing athlete, that some would think he wasn't trying hard, until you stop and think about how much ground he cover in that run, you didnt think he was trying hard.

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Just now, esmd said:

I wouldn't say I'm apathetic.  I care.  I check this site every day.  But I would say that right now, I'm incredibly frustrated, and the level of frustration goes up another notch with each passing day when nothing happens.

Spot on, and you said it very well, and this is where I am. I believe we are probably in the majority here.

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4 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

I believe some of it is perception, and we all see things differently.

I never understood how some could knock Eddie Murray on the field play, because I thought he was a helluva player. Cal Jr explained it best one time (at least I think it was Cal), he said Eddie was such an amazing athlete, that some would think he wasn't trying hard, until you stop and think about how much ground he cover in that run, you didnt think he was trying hard.

Eddie was also in some ways the opposite of Fred Lynn.  One would throw himself around the field with abandon and end up hurt and the other would pick his spots and play 150+ games a year.

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14 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

I'm pretty apathetic towards this upcoming season, I've noticed a few posts around here lately that echo similar sentiments, too.  While I'll take losing baseball over no baseball, I'm just having a hard, hard time getting excited for this season.  I'm happy that baseball season is starting, but the actual Orioles?  Meh.

Obviously, last season was underwhelming on many levels, from the pitching to Davis to Trumbo....it was just a big turdburger of a season and by late August it was hard to pay attention.

For me, the apathy isn't that Orioles are going to be a losing club in 2018, it's the seasons after that still look bleak.  Obviously a lot can happen over the span of a couple seasons but I think there's a fear that we could easily slip back into a 1998-2012 abyss.  I think that's at the root of my apathy.  It's not like we have a loaded farm system with a guy like Acuna or Vlad Jr and plenty of others to follow and we're on the come-up.  We're in the death rattles of a few good seasons that were a lot of fun with seemingly no real plan for sustained success.

So what's your level of apathy for the upcoming season?  1-10 scale, 1 being absolutely ecstatic, 10 being completely withdrawn.

Ten. As not withdrawn but don't even care. 

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