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Diffusing Red Sox Fans/Cheers at OPACY


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Ok, it's time for this Orioles fanbase to grow some balls and start becoming enthusiastic again.

All too often at Red Sox games OPACY is invaded and it turns into Fenway South, or some sh1t. Yeah, I know this team has endured 10 losing seasons and most people in the city hate Angelos, yada yada....

You know what? Grow a pair, go out, support the Orioles and CHEER HARD.

The Red Sox fans come down, are loud, start chants, and make the Red Sox feel like the home team, not the enemies.

Here is what we as Oriole fans, who attend the games can do to make their time quite unpleasant.

1. Chant louder: They start "Let's go Red Sox", why not start "Let's go O's". Why do we need to wait for the PA system to cue the cheering? When someone near you starts "Let's go O's, join in."

2. Cheer incredibly loud at successful routine plays.

I almost fought a Red Sox fan and his skanky girlfriend over this. She would shriek and yell whenever it looked like the ball might remotely be a homerun...only to have me GO INSANE when the ball was caught by Adam Jones.

A loud rumbling "YEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"! (clap extra hard, for effect). Whatever it takes to piss them off!

3. At the end of the games, if it is an Orioles win, nothing says solidarity like singing along to "Orioles Magic". The lyrics can be found on the internet. It'll make your heart feel warmer than if you were singing "Auld Lang Syne" with George Bailey.

4. Finally: Buy freaking tickets, O's fans. Not an O's fan anymore? See paragraphs 2 and 3.

These, of course, are just preliminary suggestions. Anyone else who cares to make suggestions, or comment on their experiences with the locusts, respond!

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I'm not sure what you want everyone to do about it. I went to a O's weekend game against the Red Sox at the end of May and it was just about the most miserable game experience of my life. The crowd was probably 85% Boston fans. I'm not usually someone that cheers every time they make noise and I'm certainly not going to go ahead and lose my voice trying to make up for the 5 to 1 fan differential.

Your 2nd idea.. Cheer incredibly loud for routine plays. Whats the point? I understand those idiots do it but it pisses me off and I'd feel stupid doing it. Boston fans were cheering for Youkilis when he caught a pop-up. They probably cheer him when he wipes his ass in the morning. Again, I'm there to watch a baseball game, not to see whose fans can cheer louder at plays a little leaguer can make.

Until we become more competitive, I think a lot of O's fans will stay away when these bandwagoners come to town. It's just not very enjoyable to be surrounded by obnoxious idiots who feel the need to talk trash and loudmouth O's fans in their own park. And seeing as they have a very good team and our team is average, there's little we can do about it to shut them up. You can only tell them to go home and watch Fever Pitch so many times. After awhile, your team on the field needs to help you out. Having said that, I plan on going Wednesday. Hopefully we blow them out.

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What gets me is that you know that half of them, if not more, are bandwagoners and really aren't Red Sox fans.

I was at an O's/Red Sox game earlier this year and there was four people sitting behind me, two guys and two girls, all wearing Red Sox hats. They couldn't pronounce some of the player's names and didn't know who some of the players are.

Now I'm not saying that you have to know everything about a player to justify being a fan of a team. But if you're a fan of a team, you should know all of the players and how to pronounce their names.

I know a couple of "good" Red Sox fans, that I know for a fact, have been Red Sox fans for a long time. But most of them you run into seem to believe that baseball started in 2004.

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I was at the game tonight . I've been to other Sox/O's games but I don't recall it ever being this bad. I think it was literally 50 to 1 RedSox fans to O's fans. I went to the concession stand for a lemonade during the game and the guy behind the counter said, "Gee, it's nice to see an O's fan." I was the only O's fan in the 4- 5 rows in front or back of me. I hardly felt like getting into a cheering match by myself. Very depressing. And the Sox fans behind me actually smelled bad . No joke.:bangwall::drek::cussing:

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I was at the game tonight sitting in the right field bleachers, and an O's fan and Red Sox fan on the flag court were saying somethings back and forth to each other. They exchanged word for a little bit, and then the Red Sox fan gave the O's fan the finger and was holding his Red Sox jersey up in the air. The ushers came over and said something to him and as soon as they turned their backs he gave the O's fan the finger again. It was ridiculous the amount of Red Sox fans that were at the game tonight. I almost wanted to leave once I got there because of how annoyed I was with the Red Sox Nation invading our stadium.

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I live in NY, and even the sports guy on the local news here made some comment about the Red Sox seemigly having a home game in Baltimore.

As someone whose second home as a kid was Memorial Stadium, it just makes me ill, but I don't know what to do short of moving back home and cloning myself.

Fight the good fight people.

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1. Chant louder: They start "Let's go Red Sox", why not start "Let's go O's". Why do we need to wait for the PA system to cue the cheering? When someone near you starts "Let's go O's, join in."

I hate that we try to emulate the enemy, WHY do we need to do the stupid, "Let's go O's" it is just a copy of what Yankee and Red Sox fans do.

I like what the Brewers do, "Here we go Brewers, Here we Go" clap clap. I think we the fanbase should start doing cheers like that to be different. Sure the Brewers do the cheer but we are not enemies.

Bring Little League cheers to Oriole Park

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I wish there was some way they could give O's fans a discount on the "premium" ticket price for the Sox , MFY games. That would encourage more O's fans to go. If I lived in B'more, as it is now, I would never go to a game whan the Sox or MFY's are in town. It's just that this is the one time out of the year that I can be here. It's almost not worth it.:newcry:

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I hate that we try to emulate the enemy, WHY do we need to do the stupid, "Let's go O's" it is just a copy of what Yankee and Red Sox fans do.

I like what the Brewers do, "Here we go Brewers, Here we Go" clap clap. I think we the fanbase should start doing cheers like that to be different. Sure the Brewers do the cheer but we are not enemies.

Bring Little League cheers to Oriole Park

I'm not much of a drinker, but I had a few at Turner Field during the Orioles first-ever interleague series back in 1997.

Under the influence, I realized that that organ-driven, Indian inspired war chant that the Braves fans did during rallies was a perfect soundtrack for me to bellow "Ohhhhh-Ohhhh-Orioles, Ohhhh-Ohhhh-Orioles" to the same tune.

The section of Baltimore fans that flew down starting catching on, and those poor Atlantans looked like they'd never seen creatures like us before. Then the O's beat Maddux-Glavine-Smoltz three straight!

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Well, honestly the fans have been cheering on their own without the PA this year. Out of all my years going to games, this year people have been cheering more often, and louder. It is heartwarming when I hear a chant not started by the PA or a clap. I join right in.

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I'm not huge on scoreboard chants. But would it be too much trouble for them to put the "O-R-I-O-L-E-S, ORIOLES!" chant on the scoreboards?

With the new system you could have all the boards spell out the letters one letter at a time displayed with a rim shot or drum sound. And it would look really cool

Heck they could even have video of Hagy leading the chant... on the main video board and the letters on the OOT scoreboard...

It would be one more thing to fire up the crowd, is original to the Orioles and is a tie to the past at Memorial Stadium.

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