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MLB will be going to a three-batter minimum rule in 2020 that should make it especially difficult for lefties who struggle versus righties to find work.


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1 hour ago, Number5 said:

There are reasons for all of them.  A lefty stepping more than 45 degrees and throwing to first is very unfair.  Coming set while straddling the rubber is unfair.  Taking the ball out of the glove without pitching it while on the rubber is unfair.  Simulating a pitching motion and/or flinching  is unfair.  The runners have to be able to know when it is safe to run or take their secondary leads.  Players, coaches and umpires all understand these rules and agree with why they are in place.  From other posts you've made, you seem to like the running game, yet you are advocating allowing deceptive pitching moves that will virtually eliminate the stolen base.  I have no doubt that such rule changes aren't being considered.  In fact, the only balk rule change they've done recently was to add another balk rule that I happen to disagree with.  They made putting two legal moves together - the fake to third and the throw to first - a balk.  Both moves are legal, but now you can't do them in conjunction with each other.  As if that was somehow a major cause of the length of play.  Now that's a balk rule I would be in favor of abolishing.

I think you make some good points, but also overstate your case when you say that " Players, coaches and umpires all understand these rules and agree with why they are in place".  There's no disagreement from anyone involved in the sport at all about any aspects of the rule?  That's hard to believe.

Deception is part of the game.  You hide signs, pitchers hide their grip on the pitch, infielders make phantom tags and catches when they don't have the ball, the hidden ball trick is legal, lefties intentionally make their windups and pickoff moves nearly identical, they step directly at 45 degrees while looking at the catcher and throwing to first.  I don't like the infield fly rule.  If you can let a popup drop, pick it, and turn two... good on you.

I think there are other ways to incentivize base stealing, such as making all throws to bases that don't result in an out a ball on the batter.  It's always been a little incongruous that a pitcher can only throw so many pitches before he's punished with a walk, but he can throw to first 25 times if he wants.

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I have no problem changing rules to improve play......for those against...why shouldn't managers be allowed to change pitchers  mid-at bat? Strike one from a 100 MPH flame thrower, then change pitchers and get strike two from a knuckle baller. 

Why can't you pull your starter after 3 innings, then bring him back in for the 9th? 

I'm all for eliminating down time.....no more reviews, just let the eye in the sky ump radio down when a call is blown...no more mid inning pitching changes....and while we are at it, raise all HR walls by 40 feet, lets get more balls in play. 

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52 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

I think you make some good points, but also overstate your case when you say that " Players, coaches and umpires all understand these rules and agree with why they are in place".  There's no disagreement from anyone involved in the sport at all about any aspects of the rule?  That's hard to believe.

Deception is part of the game.  You hide signs, pitchers hide their grip on the pitch, infielders make phantom tags and catches when they don't have the ball, the hidden ball trick is legal, lefties intentionally make their windups and pickoff moves nearly identical, they step directly at 45 degrees while looking at the catcher and throwing to first.  I don't like the infield fly rule.  If you can let a popup drop, pick it, and turn two... good on you.

I think there are other ways to incentivize base stealing, such as making all throws to bases that don't result in an out a ball on the batter.  It's always been a little incongruous that a pitcher can only throw so many pitches before he's punished with a walk, but he can throw to first 25 times if he wants.

Drungo, from my experience there simply isn't any kind of groundswell among players. coaches and umpires concerning the balk rules.  That is no overstatement, it is the simple fact.  The next time I hear a complaint that deception should be legal will be the first.  I think maybe you are making way too much of how many lines in the rulebook are typed to clarify the balk rules.  Nobody cares about that.  They would undoubtedly, however, be up in arms if the rule was vague and not clearly spelled out.  As it is you get the occasional offensive coach wanting a balk called because the pitcher takes a deep breath and you have to explain to him that breathing is legal.  Or the defensive coach asking "What did he do?," when a balk is called, which happens all the time.  You simply tell him and that's nearly always the end of it.  If the rules weren't specific, these discussions would be a lot more heated, of that I am certain.

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