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MLB suspended, Opening Day delayed indefinitely UPDATED


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2 hours ago, MongoBoy said:

Some of you may find this interesting.  It's long but informative.



Pretty good video. 

* Said stopping Coronavirus is like trying to stop the wind.  

* N-95 masks work but severe shortage as we don't invest in public health and hospitals do just in time

* We might have higher death rate than China due to obesity diseases/high blood pressure

* Shutting schools might actually hurt as health care professionals can't work if they have to stay home to take care of kids. People need to work to keep supply chain going. 

* Hand washing isn't going to help as you get from people breathing.  Even before symptoms appear.

* We are going to be in for many months and vaccine is far away and won't be here to help us in time.

* ICU nurses are highly trained and when you lose one of them to the disease there are no replacements for them. 

* To protect yourself from coronavirus eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.







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2 hours ago, oh-wee-ohs said:

So my brother and my sister-in-law caught it.  He tried to get tested for it Thursday and they told him they had no tests and to go home and isolate.  He suspects he got it from one of the many places he ate lunch in Dupont Circle over the last week or so.  No known contact otherwise and doesn't use mass transit.  Careful out there folks.

Sorry to hear that. Prayers for them and you and your family.

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

Hmmm, that’s disturbing.    I’m heading down to Hilton Head by car tomorrow.   Was already scheduled for vacation, but scrapped a flight to California in favor of this.   But there’s no place to escape this.  

Golfing? Do you play? Shame if you don't. HH is one of many golfing Meccas. :)

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8 weeks is huge. 2 weeks at banning 250+ sent people into chaos.  CDC went bolder than they have this whole time and just limited crowds to less than 50 for 8 (8!) weeks.  Some of us knew it was going to get to this but the vast majority didn't. It's officially out there now.

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2 hours ago, oh-wee-ohs said:

He's mid-30s and in good health. They have an 8 month old tho. He says the fatigue is real. He gets exhausted and wants to sleep after eating, washing a dish, taking out the trash. Been useless the last couple days.  Fever, chills, headache, and only mild sensations in the lungs so far which is good. Her symptoms have just started and they're hoping his wanes by the time hers kicks in so he can be helpful. Nephew is fine. So far.  

Please everyone take care of yourselves. Be safe and smart.

I wish your bro and his wife a sound recovery.

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31 minutes ago, oh-wee-ohs said:

8 weeks is huge. 2 weeks at banning 250+ sent people into chaos.  CDC went bolder than they have this whole time and just limited crowds to less than 50 for 8 (8!) weeks.  Some of us knew it was going to get to this but the vast majority didn't. It's officially out there now.

They said that, but stores are still open for large crowds, shopping malls are open, and restaurants are open.

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11 hours ago, atomic said:

Pretty good video. 

* Said stopping Coronavirus is like trying to stop the wind.  

* N-95 masks work but severe shortage as we don't invest in public health and hospitals do just in time

* We might have higher death rate than China due to obesity diseases/high blood pressure

* Shutting schools might actually hurt as health care professionals can't work if they have to stay home to take care of kids. People need to work to keep supply chain going. 

* Hand washing isn't going to help as you get from people breathing.  Even before symptoms appear.

* We are going to be in for many months and vaccine is far away and won't be here to help us in time.

* ICU nurses are highly trained and when you lose one of them to the disease there are no replacements for them. 

* To protect yourself from coronavirus eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.







This is actually a great interview. Thank you to MongoBoy for posting it. DeBlasio here in NYC is trying to compensate for the school shut-down effect on health care workers by setting up places where they can leave their kids and still go to work. But it seemed very sketchy and he sounded very shook up still by the scale of what is about to happen throughout the city. He even mentioned the possibility that school will be closed for the entire rest of the year....

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6 minutes ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

They said that, but stores are still open for large crowds, shopping malls are open, and restaurants are open.

3, 2, 1. By Tuesday I bet that all changes.  It would happen by morning if they didn't have to give people some notice to make it hurt a little less 

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4 hours ago, oh-wee-ohs said:

8 weeks is huge. 2 weeks at banning 250+ sent people into chaos.  CDC went bolder than they have this whole time and just limited crowds to less than 50 for 8 (8!) weeks.  Some of us knew it was going to get to this but the vast majority didn't. It's officially out there now.

Many many companies have 50+, 250+ employees. Not sure exactly but my company has 1000+. Is that a crowd? People aren't all together but they interact ALL over.

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I think Governor Hogan has been very proactive and not blaming others and just getting things done.  Asking closed health care facilities to re-open..  Activated 1000 National Guard troops fully.  Disallowed evictions or utility shut-offs or late fees, Call up medical and police reserves. 

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21 minutes ago, atomic said:

I think Governor Hogan has been very proactive and not blaming others and just getting things done.  Asking closed health care facilities to re-open..  Activated 1000 National Guard troops fully.  Disallowed evictions or utility shut-offs or late fees, Call up medical and police reserves. 

New Jersey has a curfew from 8 pm to 5 am now. non-essential personnel.

Image result for i hate jersey


We are saddened by the news of the first death in South Carolina due to COVID-19. Our hearts and prayers are with the family and the community.

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It’s the question that millions of parents are silently screaming into the void, and it’s an especially tough one for science to answer. The best and most honest reply, experts say, is simply: “It depends.” (But think months, rather than weeks.)

It depends when U.S. cases finally reach their peak. It took two months for the coronavirus outbreak in China to peak. It took South Korea about half a month. The number of cases in Italy is still climbing in scary fashion.

In the United States, however, we don’t even know the actual number of cases because of limited testing. Even after our peak, we are very likely to need to persist with some drastic measures to help keep the virus at bay.

There could be second or third waves of outbreaks. Some actions — such as isolating those infected, obsessive hand-washing — may have to continue until we have a working vaccine (in 12 to 18 months, hopefully). And then there are several key-but-unknown characteristics about how this virus behaves that will influence how this all plays out.

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