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Hit Man

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36 minutes ago, Hit Man said:

My ol' buddy who lives in Montana -- but sure knows his American League history -- swears to me that Earl Weaver was known to give post-game locker-room interviews while buck naked and smoking a cigarette. 


I don't know about Earl other than the beer and smoke. Which were constant.  William Showalter got his nickname by his clubhouse attire. 

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@Hit Man



With all of that color, and all of that style and all of those umpire-baiting moments (not to mention the chain-smoking and his well-known penchant for conducting post game interviews in the nude — back in the clubhouse, of course), Weaver will never be forgotten by anyone who ever saw him manage.





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"Deadline-aware writers, seeking him out in his office shortly after another last out, would often find him behind his desk gnawing on a chicken wing, sans uniform and undies: a five-foot-seven, birthday-suited unsentimentalist still alight with the complexities and hovering alternate possibilities of the trifling game we’d all just attended."

It's even a better picture with the chicken wing!  lol

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If standing on my lawn drinking a cold beer, holding a cigarette between my pointer and middle finger, gnawing on a chicken wing, while nude, except for maybe a low-hanging Orioles t-shirt - - where only the southern hemispheres might be seen by passersby - - would scare away all the dog people that don't pick up after their k-9's, I think I might employ that methodology of communicating with interested -- or uninterested - -parties as they pass by. ;)

Unsentimentalists unite!

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21 hours ago, drjohnnyfeva said:



"Deadline-aware writers, seeking him out in his office shortly after another last out, would often find him behind his desk gnawing on a chicken wing, sans uniform and undies: a five-foot-seven, birthday-suited unsentimentalist still alight with the complexities and hovering alternate possibilities of the trifling game we’d all just attended."

It's even a better picture with the chicken wing!  lol

No way Earl was anywhere 5’7”. At Earls statue day Buck towered over him.

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