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Clinching the Last Playoff Spots

Migrant Redbird

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The Twins have a half game lead on the White Sox entering today's games. If the Twinkies can avoid getting swept by the Royals today, then the White Sox will need to beat the Indians today and the Tigers tomorrow, just to force a one game playoff with the Twins.

Talk about a steep uphill climb for the Sox, needing to sweep their last 3 games and counting on help from the ordinarily hapless Royals!

Twins have the pitching edge today, with Baker (10-4, 3.59) going up against Duckworth (3-2, 5.06) in Minnesota. The White Sox have Buehrle (14-12, 3.87) going against Bullington (0-1, 5.59) along with the home field advantage, and would then pitch Floyd (16-8, 3.91) against Garcia (1-1, 4.50) when the Tigers come to town.

I have no idea who would pitch the one game playoff, but I'm sure someone else does.

Over in the NL, the Brewers and Mets are tied for the wild card spot. The Brewers are pitching Sabathia (16-10, 2.80) for the 3rd time on 3 days rest, against Guzman (0-0, 7.04) for the Cubs, seemingly almost a "gimme" for the Brew Crew. Over at SLSF, there's a discussion about the wisdom of pitching Sabathia on 3 days rest and the "message" it sends to the other Brewers starters. It's a "no brainer" to me, though. You have to get to the playoffs before you can worry about setting your rotation or worrying about the attitudes of your starters during the post season.

The game between the Mets and Marlins has been delayed. The Mets are starting Perez (10-7, 4.25) against Olsen (8-11, 4.23)

I've given up on predictions, except to note that the White Sox have a pretty difficult hill to climb. Does anyone else want to offer their prognostications for the last 2 playoff spots?

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It's borderline criminal the way the Brewers are using Sabathia. ...

I don't agree. Sabathia is a horse and most pitchers used to pitch on 3 days rest all the time. The 5 starter rotation is a relatively new fixture.

I will agree that the Brewers have fewer concerns about Sabathia's health if they don't plan to re-sign him for next season, but we don't yet know if that's the case. The Brewers have spent quite a bit on payroll recently and it might make a lot more sense for them to offer Sabathia a multi-year deal than Sheets.

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Ryan Braun does it again!

2 run homer in the bottom of the 8th...Sabathia is a beast...But will he be worn out come playoff time?

Mets down 4-2.

Looks like Milwaukee should make the playoffs.

Looks like Minnesota(surprising that they would lose 2 to KC this weekend) should, at the very least, have a playoff on Tuesday.

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Question is, if the Mets rally, is who will pitch the 1 game playoff for the Brewers?

Yea...Who knows...The Brewers better hope the Mets lose.

My guess is Suppan would go game 1 for them.

Not sure what the schedule is but I do not see how you can ask CC to go on 3 days rest again...The Brewers need to hope for game 2 to be on Friday.

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