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Heston disabled by the Covid vaccine (complete user speculation grounded in no evidence)


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The OP is an absolutely ridiculous and baseless assertion. I think you might have earned the most down arrows I have ever seen in the history of the OH. And I have been here since 1997. I may have given 5 down arrows in that time. You have three of them. Your time here should end soon. Enjoy the ban I hope you receive. 

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4 hours ago, SteveA said:

Huh?   Wasn't he diagnosed with the myocarditis last summer, long before the development of a Covid vaccine?

Sorry, we are short moderators and when I ask some longtime members, they turn me down so it takes longer to get to these.

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  • Tony-OH changed the title to Heston disabled by the Covid vaccine (complete user speculation grounded in no evidence)
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    • Lol!  Correct, dude! I'm not against anything.  I just feel like maybe the expectations are a little higher than they need to be.  We don't need a number one SP - I mean, it would be great, but the value/cost at this moment would be bad, imo.  So I think there's the chance he's shopping at Ollie's.  Nothing wrong with that to me.  I'm just wondering if there are targets out there that someone is familiar with that would cost little instead of the guys being talked about - top prospects, Kjerstadt, etc. Other than Buddy Groom, LOL, there are no answers.  Fuji was almost equivalent to what I'm talking about here.  I just don't know who as I don't watch games around the league as I know many others here do.
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    • I'm coming around to this idea more and these are all good points, but I still wouldn't give up a whole lot for him.  His season so far this year is giving me a bit of Austin Voth 2022 vibes.  83 IP for us with a 3.04 ERA, 3.96 FIP, 8.3 H/9, 1.1 HR/9, 2.7 BB/9, 7.8 K/9...then he went back to being the Austin Voth he always was.  Maybe it's that they both pitched for the Nationals for a bit at the beginning of their careers, but both careers prior to their "breakout" 2022 and 2024 seasons, respectively, along with their numbers in their "breakout" seasons are eerily similar. I'm not dismissing the idea that he has figured something out, I'm just not willing to risk much betting that he has. 
    • I'm expecting the All-Star game soon. I would have said as quickly as possible after the sale but now I think they will wait until the renovations are complete.
    • I don't like the idea of parting with significant prospects for marginal players. For comparison's sake, we traded for Flaherty last year and gave up basically nothing. Flaherty (even mid season last year) is about as good as some of the guys we are thinking of trading real prospects for. Even if you get an additional year(s) of control, guys like Efflin I'm not trading someone like Norby for. I think we can do better if we are going to jet out the Norbys and Beavers of the world.
    • Maybe we can have an all star game and winter classic in the near future too!
    • I would consider Fedde the main aisle along with relievers like Scott and Estevez.
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