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DL Hall 2022


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1 minute ago, MurphDogg said:

You are so wise. I was going to ignore the rest of his starts and assume he got better.

Your way makes more sense.

Wow!   I sense sarcasm.   Just saying that pitchers say stuff all of the time.   He may think he was tipping pitches.   Did someone from the other team tell him?   How much did the other team pick up on it?   How much were they able to utilize it?    Just wondering.    Not like I'm questioning your intelligence or anything.

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1 minute ago, RZNJ said:

Wow!   I sense sarcasm.   Just saying that pitchers say stuff all of the time.   He may think he was tipping pitches.   Did someone from the other team tell him?   How much did the other team pick up on it?   How much were they able to utilize it?    Just wondering.    Not like I'm questioning your intelligence or anything.

Haha, I know. Didn't mean any offense, I was just being silly.

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1 hour ago, MurphDogg said:

Best possible explanation we could hope for. Hopefully he is able to make the adjustments.

He’s still having trouble throwing his breaking pitches for strikes, per those here who have watched him closely on Milb.tv or in person.   So, I’ll take his explanation with a grain of salt.  

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1 hour ago, gold21030 said:
Couldn't read the article because of the paywall, but apparently Hall has been tipping his pitches. Would make sense why his strikeouts seemed to be lower the last few starts/why he struggled to put guys away.

I figured $0.12 a week for the next 12 weeks was worth it, although there wasn't much insight in the article about how they discovered it. 


“Batters were sitting in there knowing what was coming,” Hall said, declining to describe how he was tipping pitches in order to avoid letting his opponents know what to look for. “It’s never easy to pitch like that. That’s a little something new on my agenda. But I look forward to working on it.”


To offset his fastball, Hall throws a curveball, a slider and a changeup that he believes is his best off-speed pitch.

That he was telegraphing some deliveries made them all easier to track. He hopes those days are over.

“It’s a very simple fix,” Hall said. “It makes me feel better to know that I wasn’t actually struggling that bad. It was a little easier on the batters when they knew what was coming.”


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I'm one of Hall's biggest fans but to me "I was tipping my pitches" is generally code for "I can't have been that bad so it must have been something else".  Never really have bought much into that excuse.  Even if they know it's coming they still need to hit it.  

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You do have to wonder if there's a maturity issue here. He's such a supremely talented guy and his set backs are often injury related. Hopefully he rises above this adversity, or I'm just wrong and he really did realize he's badly tipping pitches.


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33 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

I'm one of Hall's biggest fans but to me "I was tipping my pitches" is generally code for "I can't have been that bad so it must have been something else".  Never really have bought much into that excuse.  Even if they know it's coming they still need to hit it.  

It often is an excuse, but it does really happen sometimes. I dunno. I just want to see better results

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So, I wonder who told him he was tipping pitches.   I would think your own coaches and teammates might be asked to watch and see if they can pickup anything just as a preventive measure.   Perhaps his own coaches watched video of his outing and told him he was tipping pitches.   That wouldn't necessarily mean the other team had picked up on it.   Maybe he has a friend on the other team who told him?    Who knows.

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Elias doesn’t seem too worried about Hall’s last few outings:

“His stuff’s been incredible,” Elias said. “I think his performance has been good overall. He’s had a couple of bad lines lately, with some more walks than strikeouts, and this has been a theme for him, but you also realize that he’s pitching in Triple-A and punching out hitters and doing well in Triple-A without having much of a minor league base underneath him.

“He missed some time in 2019, we have the alternate site in 2020, he missed a lot of time in 2021, and now he’s in Triple-A and he’s got some of the best stuff in the league. The strikeout rate is very high. The reports there are good. So, I think he is doing what we wanted him to do this year. I think we’re seeing Triple-A growing pains, but also just growing pains in general that he may be playing catchup on with some of the missed time.

“I think he’s in a great spot and we’re watching every start of his with the idea that this guy’s in Triple-A, he’s one of the top arms in the system, if not the minor leagues, and we want him helping the major league team as soon as we possibly can.”


Hall’s on the hill tonight, so we’ll see how that goes   


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