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Colton Cowser 2022


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53 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I think many of your posts are absurd.  IMO, he and his team have drafted well and hiring Koby Perez was a great way to get our international program up to respectability.   Is he infallible?  No.  I think he has done a good job but the ultimate proof will be results at the ML level.   

If you want to debate something specific, let me know.

I think when you have the picks and pool he has had to work with good is to be expected.


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5 minutes ago, Frobby said:


This is a pretty silly comment.

1.  Why does the fact that Cowser is playing LF tonight say anything about whether he can play CF?  He’s played 18 games in CF, and 5 at the corners, about once a week.  He’s also DH’d 4 times.  
2.  Show us where you said Cowser couldn’t play CF, and where somebody laughed.  Everyone understood when he was signed that he was one of these guys who might not be a CF at the major league level.  

Then you shouldn’t be taking a corner OFer that high. Particularly when you have no franchise SS. 

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44 minutes ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

Did you like Lawlar?

They all sound good pre-draft. Of course he sounded good.  9 errors in 20 games.  Good offensive numbers in low A.  Many a prospect has put up big numbers in Low A and not gone on to ML success.  We'll see.  Very odd that Elias passed if he felt Lawlar was a franchise SS.

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These things can be (and are) all true

1. Lawlar was not the consensus clear cut #1 pick

2. Lawlar was rated higher then Coswer by the industry publications

3. The questions about Cowser surrounded his power output and ability to stay in CF, his hit tool was lauded by all

4. Right now he is really struggling not with playing CF, but with his bat to ball skills

5. It is possible that Elias was wrong about his hitting ability, but it wouldn't just be Elias, it would be the entire industry (including Law who just saw him)

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7 minutes ago, seak05 said:

These things can be (and are) all true

1. Lawlar was not the consensus clear cut #1 pick

2. Lawlar was rated higher then Coswer by the industry publications

3. The questions about Cowser surrounded his power output and ability to stay in CF, his hit tool was lauded by all

4. Right now he is really struggling not with playing CF, but with his bat to ball skills

5. It is possible that Elias was wrong about his hitting ability, but it wouldn't just be Elias, it would be the entire industry (including Law who just saw him)

Good post.   I think all these points are correct.  

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As far as the left field comment. Any thoughts that it could be getting him regular looks at reading balls from that angle in preparation for the now cavernous left field at OPACY? Left field seems similar to patrolling center field these days, just now it's more vertical than horizontal run paths. 

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9 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Yep well overall.  Jury is out for how well he's done considering what he's had to work with.

You could probably do "well" by picking Baseball America's choice for each pick.


I’ve been thinking it would be interesting to do a study comparing, say, ten years of who BA picked in its top 10 vs. the guys actually chosen in the top 10.    Not sure I can get my hands on the BA lists though.   

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46 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Yep well overall.  Jury is out for how well he's done considering what he's had to work with.

You could probably do "well" by picking Baseball America's choice for each pick.


Sounds like a project for Frobby.

Haha. After I posted I see Frobby's post.

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