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Statement from John Angelos


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15 hours ago, seak05 said:

As an actual city resident. My neighborhood is rather nice, the area around the ballpark is also nice, and I’d far prefer more money be spent on schools etc.

If you’re afraid to come into the stadium because there are Black kids standing on the median, really says more about you then it does the city.


First of all, no one mentioned a black kid standing in the median.  That seems to be you issue not a me issue.

Secondly, I’m glad your neighborhood is good but that doesn’t really mean anything.  I have several friends who are cops in the city and all of them say it’s worse now (and over the last few years) than ever before..even in the nicer neighborhoods.

The murder rate is very high, violent crimes are a big issue, etc…

But, perhaps more importantly (because I agree around the stadium is fine) is the perception.  The perception is what keeps people away.

As for the schools…it’s hard to put money into them when the powers at be just steal the money.  You aren’t going to see improvement without getting rid of the corruption and you won’t get rid of the corruption when you keep voting for the same dipsh!ts all the time.  

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4 minutes ago, Il BuonO said:

Since when is talking about the state of affairs in the city in which one lives political?

When it talks about electing the same old dipshits.  Elections are the very definition of politics.

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