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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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Someone please refresh my memory: Who was the first to report Wieters got signed? Was it an insider?

Sonny76 was the only one to report Wieters and Arrieta would sign and he's also the one that said our offer is going to be higher than 9/180 and 10/200.

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I also find it interesting that you are hearing nothing from Boras.

I'm no expert on Boras' negotiating style but perhaps he is taking advantage of uncertainty. Like AM, perhaps he believes that the less he says the more advantage he has. If he wants to get nuggets out there he could use the press to do it.

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The O's are not out of it with Tex, and honestly it is not really hard to tell that…

Regardless of whether the O's obtain Tex or not, the O's understand what Tex means to their fan-base.

That is why MacPhail used the words, "We owe it to our fanbase to explore this unique option."

If/when the O's are out of the running for Tex, news of that is not going to come via leaking information to Buster Olney.

It is going to come in the form of MacPhail (and maybe even Angelos) saying out-loud to the local public (airwaves, The Sun) that they made a substantial offer, and it was not enough….

They will provide rationale (even if you disagree with it, like I would) that would state why they did not raise their offer further…

There is no way the O's will lose Tex, and have nothing to say about it.

Here is my guestimation of what is going on… MacPhail made his offer… 7yrs $145M… that is the offer the National and local press is aware of… Angelos has made his own offer (or at least terms discussed with Boras)… that the press is not aware of.

Everyone should pull back a bit, and just see what happens.

If they do drop out and they do hold a press conference saying they are out, they probably should just say, "We are a pathetic franchise and we refuse to spend money to better the team. We make plenty of money on Yankees and Red Soxs games when those teams come to town, so we did not feel it necessary to spend money on a hometown guy who could have been a local hero."

They need to just say that and be honest. Of course I hope they have changed their ways and Angelos is willing to do what is needed to lock down Tex. If they offer big and he still turns them down that is different, but if the 7 year deal is all they offer, then it was a weak pointless offer.

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Just got a call from my father, who is the one I claimed had a source. Read into this as much as you want, but I am in no way claiming to have a valid source.

That said, I was told Teixeira would sign with Boston for 8 years and 192 million, with options for an 9th and 10th year, and an opt out clause after 6 years.

This is also coming from someone who said Boston wasn't as serious of a player as the media said, so maybe something bad happened somewhere.

sounds like bad news. That includes a lot of specifics (including options and opt out time frame).

I am glad I am not the negotiator. I would have cracked weeks ago.

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Sonny76 was the only one to report Wieters and Arrieta would sign and he's also the one that said our offer is going to be higher than 9/180 and 10/200.

Why would a respected sports news source like ESPN come out and report that the O's never upped their offer if they really did up their offer? I have to believe ESPN here. And if we never upped our offer then we never had a chance. Seems like Teix was just being polite in keeping us around till the end. If this whole scenario is true it really makes no sense...I have a hard time believing that world class negotiators like PA and AM would throw their best offer possible out right away and leave no room to move up. Especially when their were other teams offering more. Either ESPN is wrong or PA and AM have completely lost their minds. Either way this will be surprising news.

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Honestly, as Moose said before, I'm tired of the roller coaster ride. This is where I get off the ride and get back to reality. I have been so wrapped up in this, that it has drained me of all the energy I would normally put in to these threads. Having said that, it doesn't matter to me where Tex signs anymore, this has gotten way out of hand with everything. I'm tired of it, my fiancee is tired of it and he just needs to flat out say, "This is the contract I want. Whoever has it to me first with all the things I want included, gets me."

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Sonny76 was the only one to report Wieters and Arrieta would sign and he's also the one that said our offer is going to be higher than 9/180 and 10/200.

Didn't Sonny accurately predict Sammy's ouster? Or was that Mike Hargrove? Something about 30 days to turn it around....

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I've been out all morning and unable to check up on this situation until now.

My take on this is that the Orioles are still very much involved. I have a feeling that the Orioles want the media and Roch and Schmuck to be reporting that he Orioles have no chance and are out of it. The only people who know how actively the Orioles have been involved are the hardcore fans, like the one on OH.

Can you imagine the response from Baltimore fans, who thought we had no chance, after/when Teixeira does sign with the Orioles? Its like the Orioles want to take this type of route so they can surprise the majority of their fan base rather than the fan base knowing all along they were in the lead.

I am still optimistic about Teixeira coming here and am just waiting until news is broken that he signs somewhere, whether here or somewhere else.

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I'm wondering if Olney was sourcing his story last night along the lines of:

Olney: "I've got two sources saying you haven't upped your offer. Care to comment?"

Warehouse: "No comment"

If that happened, Belkast's source may have known that Olney was going to run the story, but also knew Olney had out of date information.

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Just got a call from my father, who is the one I claimed had a source. Read into this as much as you want, but I am in no way claiming to have a valid source.

That said, I was told Teixeira would sign with Boston for 8 years and 192 million, with options for an 9th and 10th year, and an opt out clause after 6 years.

This is also coming from someone who said Boston wasn't as serious of a player as the media said, so maybe something bad happened somewhere.

These are the exact number Schmuck quoted in his blog this morning. Just more speculation. I cannot see Boston spending this much on a luxury.

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If they do drop out and they do hold a press conference saying they are out, they probably should just say, "We are a pathetic franchise and we refuse to spend money to better the team. We make plenty of money on Yankees and Red Soxs games when those teams come to town, so we did not feel it necessary to spend money on a hometown guy who could have been a local hero."

They need to just say that and be honest. Of course I hope they have changed their ways and Angelos is willing to do what is needed to lock down Tex. If they offer big and he still turns them down that is different, but if the 7 year deal is all they offer, then it was a weak pointless offer.

Seven years at $20+M a year is not a weak pointless offer. In fact, I'm worried that they'll go over that.

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