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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Because nobody wants to submit their final offer only to have it shopped. So each team doesn't want to go higher.

The Nationals and Angels IMO have already submitted their final bids IMO. It's the Sux and Orioles that are playing a game of chess right now with Boras.

Yah don't want the final offer shopped, and also want to get him for as low as possible. Both teams really don't want to get hot and heavy in negotiations until they know they're the only ones involved. I imagine they kind of want him to pick a team, without getting into contract stuff yet.

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What confuses me about this whole fiasco is as follows: If there are only 4, or maybe 5 teams in the bidding, and Tex is the number one choice for all 4 or 5 of these teams, why does it take weeks to draw the highest offers. Why can't he just go with an almost auction like approach?

I think you have sort of answered your own question. Typically, auction items (like those on Ebay) sell for more money, the longer that the auction is listed (mostly due to panic response i.e. I gotta have it). Items that are offered over a shorter period, while sell faster, on average do not sell for as much. IMO, the same thing is going on here with Tex, Boras is intentionally drawing this thing out to get someone to panic and vastly overspend. Those that gotta have it will overspend. We know that the Orioles gotta have it. Question is do the Sox, or the Nats?

And to carry this analogy one step further, most people do not submit their final bid on an auction until the last second (through Esnipe etc.). I think the reason we have not heard too much concerning the Orioles involvement is that we are trying to Esnipe Tex at the last second. This hypothesis is well supported by what is being reported in the national media as well as that of our insiders, IMO.

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What confuses me about this whole fiasco is as follows: If there are only 4, or maybe 5 teams in the bidding, and Tex is the number one choice for all 4 or 5 of these teams, why does it take weeks to draw the highest offers. Why can't he just go with an almost auction like approach?

Because then we cant have the awesome lightsaber fight between Boras and McPhail for Tex :epic:


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If AM put up the minimum ante to get into the game and then he's going to drop the bombshell at the end and win this thing I will give him all the credit in the world. If it turns out that was our best offer, I will question the sanity/intelligence of our FO.

I do not understand this.

The Os wanted a seat at the table and presented a quality bid.

There is nothing wrong with swooping in at the end and winning the bidding with the next bid. There is also nothing wrong with deciding the bidding has gone too high and leaving the table without putting in another bid.

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Sorry for the change of pace here.....

But the Yankees press conference is going on where they are introducing CC and AJ and it is just sickening.

They have so much going for them it makes me sick. The new stadium, tons of money....BLAH

Come on AM, lets shake things up in the AL east. Go get Tex. PPPPPlleease I cannot take this ESPN garbabe love fest anymore with the Sox and Yanks.

It must end..........

(Sorry for the rant)

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Wow, yesterday this board was lighting up with posts; I got in on page 2 at around 7am and by the time I went home at 1 we were at page 50 something.... today all I hear is crickets....

I do not even hear crickets, I think they have all been dried and covered with chocolate. But silence is good I think.:scratchchinhmm:

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With the attention given to Tex and his roots in Baltimore and the report that he has "an enormous attraction" to the Orioles - I think both the FO and Angelos know they can't lose Tex without going down swinging. I see this playing out two ways and two ways only:

1. The Red Sox throw an absurd amount of money at Tex that would just be stupid for the Orioles to counter. Like 10 / 230 (absurd). Tex goes to the Red Sox.

2. The O's drop an offer of 9 / 180 or above. Tex goes to the O's.

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Sorry for the change of pace here.....

But the Yankees press conference is going on where they are introducing CC and AJ and it is just sickening.

They have so much going for them it makes me sick. The new stadium, tons of money....BLAH

Come on AM, lets shake things up in the AL east. PPPPPlleease I cannot take this ESPN garbabe love fest anymore with the Sox and Yanks.

It must end..........

(Sorry for the rant)

Straight from ESPN interview with Sabathia:

"I think this is the best place for me to try to win a championship."

I'm going to laugh when they dont even make the playoffs again... stupid yankees, thinking they can buy a championship :angryfire:

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Straight from ESPN interview with Sabathia:

"I think this is the best place for me to try to win a championship."I'm going to laugh when they dont even make the playoffs again... stupid yankees, thinking they can buy a championship :angryfire:

Funny that it just happened to be the place were he got the most money.:D

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