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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

Sports Guy

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I would take Tex any day of the week over Jeter.

Jeter at Tex's age??? ARE YOU CRAZY????

Teixeira has played on how many teams... 3. Has he ever shown one ounce of the leadership, charisma, and insane clutch play that Jeter has?????

Could you please list his accolades... that make him worthy of $180 million?

Seriously... please name one signature moment that shows this guys brass.

I can't think of a single one.

He's a lifetime .284 hitter who averages 30 dingers a year. He has 2 gold gloves in 6 years.

That's nice and all... but is that worth $180 million????

You have got to be crazy.

But, I would love to hear about his signature moments... and they have to be good... because, frankly, watch a very VERY young Evan Longoria dominate a divisional series, they way he did... and he isn't anywhere close to even $60 mil on his contract.

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Forget about the insiders reporting about what the O's might be able to do... Quietly putting an offer out there and not adjusting it as other teams make adjustments could be intrpreted as a lack of serious interest, no?

Again, forgetting what you hear from these boards, with the way the Orioles have approached negotiations are you really suprised at the speculation?

Is there really and accurate report of what any team has actually offered or re-offered. I think it is all speculation.

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I know you're not doing this, but I learned a long time ago not to listen to anything they say on this show when it comes to baseball. Loverro is easily the most knowledgeable on the subject, and the fact that he thinks Cabrera pitched better last year (when looking at the season as a whole) shows that he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Reference the St. Claire reference, I believe Cabrera had a few pretty good coaches in Baltimore. For his sake, I hope St. Claire has the magic formula, but I wouldn't count on it.

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure whay anyone would want Manny (and his antics) ahead of Teixeira.

I think they are right about him ending up in Boston though.

Yep, they're pretty much jerks when it comes to baseball... they talk Redskins pretty much 90% the time anyway.

They were commenting on Manny on how his antics would be more than welcome in DC since it would at least create a buzz for the city and attention for the team. All 3 of them really thought Manny was the best option for the team if they could snag him.

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Is there really and accurate report of what any team has actually offered or re-offered. I think it is all speculation.

There have been leaks from just about everyone other than Baltimore about upping their offers (which whether you are in favor of backing up the Brinks Truck to Teix's driveway or against it - it's a fantastic thing).

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Jeter at Tex's age??? ARE YOU CRAZY????

Teixeira has played on how many teams... 3. Has he ever shown one ounce of the leadership, charisma, and insane clutch play that Jeter has?????

Could you please list his accolades... that make him worthy of $180 million?

Seriously... please name one signature moment that shows this guys brass.

I can't think of a single one.

He's a lifetime .284 hitter who averages 30 dingers a year. He has 2 gold gloves in 6 years.

That's nice and all... but is that worth $180 million????

You have got to be crazy.

But, I would love to hear about his signature moments... and they have to be good... because, frankly, watch a very VERY young Evan Longoria dominate a divisional series, they way he did... and he isn't anywhere close to even $60 mil on his contract.

OK, who's going to take this one?

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Jeter at Tex's age??? ARE YOU CRAZY????

Teixeira has played on how many teams... 3. Has he ever shown one ounce of the leadership, charisma, and insane clutch play that Jeter has?????

Could you please list his accolades... that make him worthy of $180 million?

Seriously... please name one signature moment that shows this guys brass.

I can't think of a single one.

He's a lifetime .284 hitter who averages 30 dingers a year. He has 2 gold gloves in 6 years.

That's nice and all... but is that worth $180 million????

You have got to be crazy.

But, I would love to hear about his signature moments... and they have to be good... because, frankly, watch a very VERY young Evan Longoria dominate a divisional series, they way he did... and he isn't anywhere close to even $60 mil on his contract.

Teixeira has a .919 lifetime OPS, he is a gold glove first baseman. He avergaes 36 HR a season.

Jeter is a HORRENDOUS defensive SS, and his .845 OPS pales in comparison to Tex.

You are basing your opinion of meaningless awards and oublic recognition and ignoring all the statistics that say Jeter isn't in the same stratopshere as Mark Teixeira.

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He has stated that their is flexibility, but yet the O's have not shown any flexibility in their offer. EVERY SINGLE REPORTER, even our own hometown reporters say we haven't upped our offer and yet everyone on here is convinced that we have.

I do not believe we have. I am definitely starting to believe that this is the O's ploy of getting the public on their side saying that we gave it a good honest effort.

Let's see, a 5th place place team offers less money. Face it, if you were Tex, you would have a better shot at money and multiple championships in Boston.

Why would you come home for a hometown discount?


What's going on is that since AM has been told he gets a last chance to beat the final offers of others AM is simply refusing to bid against himself.

If the O's raise their offer before other teams have submitted their final offer(s) then Boras can (and SHOULD!) go back to the other teams and give them a chance to beat the O's increased offer.

Upping the offer now does nothing but ensure that we will pay more than we otherwise would have.

AM & PGA are absolutely correct to be patient and wait for Boras to call with the final and best offers from the competition.

Then and only then should we raise our offer to whatever is needed to seal the deal.

That is the "hometown discount", if we are patient we don't have to pay more than we should. And Tex gets top dollar for his services.

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Jeter at Tex's age??? ARE YOU CRAZY????

Teixeira has played on how many teams... 3. Has he ever shown one ounce of the leadership, charisma, and insane clutch play that Jeter has?????

Teixeira has been traded twice because the team that received him were vying for a playoff spot (Braves and Angels). Teixeira was traded by a team twice because they knew he would not re-sign with them, and they wanted to get the best possible reward in prospects (Rangers, Braves).

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Daily radio show "The Sports Reporters" in DC talked Mark Teixeira a few minutes ago mostly from the Nationals viewpoint.

-Andy Polin

-Thom Loverro (Washington Times)

-Kevin Blackistone (AOL Sports and frequent guest on ESPN's Around the Horn)

Here are a few quotes FWIW

Regarding the Nats signing Daniel Cabrera

"I think it’s worth a shot. He seemed to pitch better last year. The Nationals think they have a pitching coach who can fix pitchers [Randy St. Claire]." -Thom

Cabrera's last 10 games, in 2008, 2-5 with a 7.59 ERA in 51 innings... and the opposing hitters, hitting 343/432/549/982 off of him. At lest the latter part of the quote could be right. The part about they have a pitching coach who could fix him.

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I don't think Tex is going to sign before Christmas. Here's why.

One of our insiders has said that the O's will have a shot at the final offer.

If Boras wants a minimum of 185 million for eight years there is no way he's bringing a 160 million, 170 million or 175 million number to Angelos.

If he get's 180 million offer from someone I think he'll bring it to Angelos and say185 and he's yours.

From what we've heard from the insiders PA may be willing to do this.

Problem is no one is close to 180 yet IMO.

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But, I would love to hear about his signature moments... and they have to be good... because, frankly, watch a very VERY young Evan Longoria dominate a divisional series, they way he did... and he isn't anywhere close to even $60 mil on his contract.
Methinks you have no concept of how major league baseball players are paid over the first 6-7 years of their career.

Comparing the contract Longoria signed to the one Teixeira is going to sign is the same as comparing apples to hair dryers.

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He seemed to pitch BETTER last year?


It kills me how myopic these guys can be.

I don't see how Tex is a "piece of a puzzle" in Boston when they need to move three guys to find room for him.

Tex is a piece in NYC, they need a firstbaseman and could really use some needed young pop in the lineup. He is a piece in Baltimore, crown jewel of a legit rebuilding effort. He is a piece in DC, marquee name to bring in fans.

He is a luxury in Boston.

I dont think its safe to assume either lowell or ortiz come back 100% next year and with drew's history of injuries a lot could go wrong this year without tex. Even if all those players stay healthy and perform well, it would still be difficult to compete with the yankees and rays. I don't think tex is such a luxury to the sox as many think.

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Jeter at Tex's age??? ARE YOU CRAZY????

Teixeira has played on how many teams... 3. Has he ever shown one ounce of the leadership, charisma, and insane clutch play that Jeter has?????

Could you please list his accolades... that make him worthy of $180 million?

Seriously... please name one signature moment that shows this guys brass.

I can't think of a single one.

He's a lifetime .284 hitter who averages 30 dingers a year. He has 2 gold gloves in 6 years.

That's nice and all... but is that worth $180 million????

You have got to be crazy.

But, I would love to hear about his signature moments... and they have to be good... because, frankly, watch a very VERY young Evan Longoria dominate a divisional series, they way he did... and he isn't anywhere close to even $60 mil on his contract.

Okay that's a rap folks, turn off the Sarcasm meter. Good Job.

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