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Angelos Claims He's Not Selling


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9 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

The money is supposed to be paid out over a period of years.

It was left kind of vague.  At the press conference Angelos indicating that the timing of the payments would be determined in consultation with the organization to determine what would best suit its needs.   If it were my organization, I’d say give us all $5 mm right now, but there may be reasons to spread it out.   

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

It was left kind of vague.  At the press conference Angelos indicating that the timing of the payments would be determined in consultation with the organization to determine what would best suit its needs.   If it were my organization, I’d say give us all $5 mm right now, but there may be reasons to spread it out.   

I'm confident that the organization in question would prefer the money now instead of promises of money later.

My guess is they figure the best chance they have to get all or most of the money pledged is to allow the Orioles as much flexibility as possible.

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3 minutes ago, owknows said:


How can this be? I have it on good authority that the Angelos family fills an Olympic Sized swimming pool with gold coins from the profit from the Oriole franchise each year, and swims in it while laughing at the people who wanted tier one FA Starters.


(although I heard there were a few neck injuries from diving in during the Davis years)

I know you’re making a rhetorical point, but I’ll give a serious answer.  For starters, as I’ve said, operating loss may not include all sources of revenue.  We know it doesn’t include profits from MASN; and there may be other items not treated as operating revenue.  Plus, we really don’t know where Forbes gets these numbers.  But the way I look at it, (1) it’s the only source we have, and (2) the methodology presumably is the same for all 30 teams, so at least teams can be judged against the other teams.  

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6 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Even someone that can't pass the bar has to be able to skim at least 7% off the top of that 600M right?

No way is that going to be closely audited.

Based on what?

I don’t think any of this money goes directly to the team.   It goes to pay construction contractors, etc.   

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3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Based on what?

I don’t think any of this money goes directly to the team.   It goes to pay construction contractors, etc.   

Hence skim.

I don't run in those circles but I'm sure Angelos is going to get some benefit from having 600M to spend beyond just the actual improvements to the facilities.

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It was @Can_of_cornwho familiarized me with the biographical detail about Peter Seidler being a cancer survivor.    I hope he's well and has many healthy years ahead, but in totality I admit I kind of get a Tigers Ilitch feeling these last few/next few years.

That said, the San Diego market is in kind of a distinctive spot with MLB the biggest game in town.    Even in a smaller market, having that MLB-NFL-NBA-NHL kind of exclusivity may give more fair chance at ROI with that level of investment if they make something big happen.     Green Bay Packers civic institution kind of stuff.

Manny and Soto should have a heck of a team this year.    And maybe they've got 2026 Michael Wacha, so there's that.

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1 hour ago, owknows said:

Yeah.. I conceded that point at the beginning of the conversation.

I think I used the words, silly, self-serving, adolescent, and ham-fisted.

but I wasn't talking about Connolly demanding access to the books.

I was talking about several posters in this thread.


Sports message boards are silly. But of course you know that. 

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1 hour ago, owknows said:

Oh... that's right... you're important.. and you know a guy who says he's awful and stuff.

So you're sure he'll take it from widows and orphans.

I know several people who have some bad things to say and I witnessed first hand how his way of doing things trickles down to people. Even back then, he ruled with fear, not respect.  You had/have to walk on egg shells around that family. 

I don’t really care if you believe or agree with me or not. Your opinion means nothing.

But what I’m saying is true and the people I have heard it from aren’t lying, in fact I have been telling you guys for a while now about how he won’t spend and things like that and that has come true.


Edited by Sports Guy
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1 hour ago, SemperFi said:

One other very important distinction is that he pledged the Orioles money not his.

Yea that’s what I thought too. I was going with owknows assuming he wasn’t lying, embellishing, misrepresenting, misremembering  or whatever in terms of what happened.

Shouldn’t have believed that and gone back and read what he did.

Thanks for that clarification.

Edited by Sports Guy
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2 hours ago, maybenxtyr said:

As much as I want to see them sell, I don't support any environment where people can dictate whether a particular group or person can own a business. At least not where the government or in this case a brand like MLB or NFL can dictate it.


As fans we can choose to not support a team and spend money on them. That's about it. We are along for the ride.

We also pay taxes that subsidize their operations.  We make lawscthst govern monopolies and antitrusts. We build yhe stadiums they play in. And that money could go to things other than stadiums if we choose.  And we pay through the nose for cable and streaming and tickets etc which pays the freight. 
This idea that somehow the Angelos created the Orioles themselves just because yhey own the franchise at the moment and it is just a mom and pop business that totally is their singular creation that they can do  anything at all with is just not the case. 
Sports franchises are intricate parts of their communities in ways that few other businesses are.  The history of that also is why these franchises are valuable.  The Angelos produce nothing except for performances of entertainment that are bought or not by an audience. 

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3 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

He’s awful. I know some people that have worked close with him and he’s the type of person that no one has good things to say about.

I mean, he’s a lawyer and let’s face it, that’s not a profession with lots of “good guys”. Frobby is more of an exception than a rule.


I'm a lawyer as well and yeah, this checks out. 

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