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Gunnar Henderson 2023

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  • 3 weeks later...

ESPN had it at 446ft. The ball he hit against KC at Camden earlier this season was further. I think he hit a ball of similar distance to straight away center against Tampa in the last series that we played them down there before this one. It was also in a game that Bradley started. But not off of him.

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2 minutes ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

Consider me an advocate to give Gunnar an extension for the long run.

I'm hoping Gunnar wins Rookie of the Year just for the prestige and because he deserves it. 

He's getting closer and closer to Jung from TEX by the day. Jung still has HRs, RBIs, and a higher BA. But Henderson has a higher OB and OBP. And he has the advantage of the number of web gems/highlight defensive plays.

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8 minutes ago, Orioles Jim said:

Anyone by any chance see/have the footage from the Rays broadcast of Gunner’s homer? I’m curious if they got a better angle of it hitting the D-ring.

I watched the Rays broadcast. No they did not. I think his quote is misunderstood. He referred to Gunnar's HR in Camden and said it was the longest Oriole HR this year.

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4 hours ago, ShoelesJoe said:

Just catching up on today’s game, and saw Gunnar’s monster HR. Announcers were wondering how far the ball would have gone if it didn’t hit the catwalk. Anybody know if the projected distance at Camden Yards would have hit the warehouse?

With as far as to RCF as it was, no chance… among the many challenges with hitting the warehouse is that, as it angles away from the playing field, it rapidly gets further and further away as you drift toward right center.

If it’s ever going to get donked during a game it’s going to take a shot either directly down the line or pretty close to it.

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