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The return of Kevin Brown

Roy Firestone

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I found it telling that the PBP guy always opens the MASN broadcast by themselves, then they say “so-and-so will be with me in a moment” and then bring in the color personnel. Last night it was KB and Brach right from the get-go, surely to take the focus off Brown. 

It was good to see him back, nonetheless.

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27 minutes ago, drjohnnyfever1 said:

Nonsense.  You can certainly do what you think necessary in your own life, but your road would likely lead him to Barstool Sports.  They need people too, I guess; but other owners seeing a positive response from a guy who by all information and indication was reprimanded for something idiotic and didn't get hot-headed about it and just let the dust settle, tells maybe as much or more about what kind of guy he is than if he had spouted off.  Sometimes quiet discretion is much more powerful than letting the dogs out.

Plus, I don't think the tweet that came from KB was scripted.  It sounds like him.  And the fact that the O's retweeted it makes me think they didn't expect that and retweeted it as acknowledgement, but even that looks shady.  Make your own response, like, "Welcome back."  Or even, "Go O's."  but even that's too much for them.  If they had totally ignored the tweet everyone would be asking, "Why didn't they respond?"  It was a non-response, response.

This is right Kevin Brown only helped his brand.   Wish JA understood brand building, PR and leadership. 

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15 hours ago, OrangeTurtle said:

Sure, except he proves he laid down to his master. If he sleeps well at night knowing he caved, good on him!

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'm personally not getting publicly neutered like that.

Well he’s 33 with a kid on the way.  Quitting his job or forcing the O’s to fire him might look tough and principled, but it puts his family and career in short-term (and perhaps long-term) peril.  And I doubt he’d sleep well in that situation.

Sometimes you have to take a short-term loss for a long-term win.  If I’m Brown I have my agent looking at new opportunities while serving out my contract.  I know he’s not your cup of tea but he’s very well-respected.  He has a very bright future ahead of him with more high-profile national events likely on the horizon.  And once that happens JA will look the fool like his dad did with Jon Miller.

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17 hours ago, OrangeTurtle said:

Sure, except he proves he laid down to his master. If he sleeps well at night knowing he caved, good on him!

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'm personally not getting publicly neutered like that.

Do you even realize how wildly inappropriate it is to use a slave / master analogy here? And a “real” man is one who can control his emotions and act like a civilized adult, even in an uncomfortable and frustrating situation. Just because you would apparently kick and scream and raise hell in this situation doesn’t mean you have bigger balls than Kevin Brown. It means you’re a child.

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