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The Orioles will not win the 2023 WS, and may not make the playoffs...and that is Ok


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Saying the Os are going to struggle to MAKE the playoffs, when they have a magic number of like 3 with 2 weeks to go is one of the most absurd, uneducated sounding things I have seen on this board.

They May struggle to win the division. They may struggle to win a series in the playoffs. But they are 100% making the playoffs and they aren’t going to be on pins and needles to do it.

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8 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

I hate to say this, but I said it over a month ago.  This team will struggle to make the playoffs.

You should hate to say it, because you were very wrong then and you’re very wrong now.  

At the time you posted this thread, the Orioles were 71-45.   They’ve gone 20-10 since then.  We’ll see how they play in the final 17 games, but they will not struggle to make the playoffs.  They’ll clinch a playoff spot sometime in the next week, with more than a week to go in the season.  Book it.

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9 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

LOL.  I'm a cuck?  Do you even know what the word means? 


Increase your vocabulary bro. 


It means a weak man.  Many times referring to a man who lets another man have sex with his wife.


Trust me when I say this?  That isn't me. 


You are welcome to post your pic as well.  I will be waiting......



Weirdest post I’ve seen in some time 😂 

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No, if they don't make the playoffs now, it will not be okay. Now, they may go lose the division and I get that, Tampa is a great team. They may lose in the first round of the playoffs, and I can accept that, as we don't have the pitching to compete, but not make the playoffs? Hyde should be fired if that happens. 

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13 hours ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

I hate to say this, but I said it over a month ago.  This team will struggle to make the playoffs.

This team is going to struggle to make the playoffs.  Major fade out coming up.  I got ridiculed for saying this in August but I even believe this more today.

You were wrong then and you're wrong today.  The Orioles magic number to make the playoffs is 4. It's basically impossible for the Orioles to not make the playoffs. 

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4 hours ago, Mooreisbetter27 said:

As intelligent as the majority of posters on this board can be... we still tend to fall into the trap of responding to trolls way too often. 

Don't.  Feed.  The.  Trolls.  

Eh, I'm pretty good at recognizing and ignoring trolls.  I don't think this guy's a troll, he just doesn't understand the current situation at all.

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2 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

Eh, I'm pretty good at recognizing and ignoring trolls.  I don't think this guy's a troll, he just doesn't understand the current situation at all.

I think so, too.

4 hours ago, Frobby said:

You should hate to say it, because you were very wrong then and you’re very wrong now.  

At the time you posted this thread, the Orioles were 71-45.   They’ve gone 20-10 since then.  We’ll see how they play in the final 17 games, but they will not struggle to make the playoffs.  They’ll clinch a playoff spot sometime in the next week, with more than a week to go in the season.  Book it.

Frobby, be prepared to be challenged to post a photo of yourself here shortly.  

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Just remember what this thread was about.

I said will not win the WS and may not make the playoffs.  IF they keep playing like this they will not do either.

Come winning time the cream rises to the top.  This is now 3 and a half games, 2 of which were against scrub pitchers, where they have done nothing. 

Right now we have the froth......no cream.

Stars win championships.  We don't have those.....yet.  We may in a year.....or 2.


Anyone saying otherwise is deluding themselves.  This is a younger version of the Os teams from 2014ish.    Try hard but not that talented. 

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