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Is anyone upset that a team just shelled out $1 billion???


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8 hours ago, DocJJ said:

I'm somewhat surprised that there hasn't been more outrage over this.  A championship caliber team just added the best hitter and best pitcher available for $1 billion.  Yes, I know that is no guarantee of a World Series title....   

I never harbored any hope that the Orioles would be in on expensive free agents of that magnitude.  But this has gone from ridiculous to outright insanity.  MLB is all smiles as the big market teams will do well and generate revenues for MLB.  MLB does not care at all about parity, competitive spirit, even competition, ticket prices that fans have to pay, and MLB certainly does not care about any teams outside of NY, California, or Texas.  


Greed is ruining this sport entirely. Greed among the owners and among the players.  It's becoming almost impossible to enjoy the game at this point...



They need a cap ….the government needs to remove the power of the union. The salary amount should be added up from all team that include a certain percentage of tv revenue, gates, souvenirs, tickets p, etc.

then that amount should be thrown in a pot and spread evenly among all teams and must be spent on payroll. They can have rules that allow a rebuilding team to eat salary in deals etc. 

The balance each team nets can be kept as profit, spent on minor league facilities, manager salaries, etc.


Edited by Roll Tide
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5 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:


Could you please explain?


I think or thought the issue you were referring to is that raising the floor for all teams was more important than a cap on what teams could spend. I think that idea has merit. But simply stating that MLB needs a floor more than a cap as I understand it would be an incorrect statement. Because the MLB already has a minimum salary requirement which by any simple definition would be a floor. 

Said floor may well be entirely too low. But it is unquestionable that the MLB currently has one. 

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8 minutes ago, foxfield said:

Could you please explain?


I think or thought the issue you were referring to is that raising the floor for all teams was more important than a cap on what teams could spend. I think that idea has merit. But simply stating that MLB needs a floor more than a cap as I understand it would be an incorrect statement. Because the MLB already has a minimum salary requirement which by any simple definition would be a floor. 

Said floor may well be entirely too low. But it is unquestionable that the MLB currently has one. 

I didn’t think I had to actually make the point that the floor needs to be something significant that causes bottom feeders to spend instead of hoard.

That really needed to be said?

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12 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

They aren't always about money.

When Ohtani went to the LAAoA do you think they had the highest bid?

Because they didn't.

I think you are overestimating how much loyalty players have for their employers. 

If you are all about the money and the Orioles can offer as much as the Yankees or Dodgers why stay in Baltimore when you can make more money (endorsements), be more famous and have a better chance of winning if you leave?

If I'm young and rich and can live in any of the cities with ML baseball teams I ain't picking Baltimore.

I agree with this statement to an extent, but I think it also has to do with the culture around the team and it's chances of winning. The kinds of money we are talking about with the top players makes the city less relevant in my opinion.

Very few players live in the city in which they play in the offseason nowadays, especially not here in the Baltimore area. Now they may own a home during the season, but when they make 5 million plus, they probably have at least two homes.

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11 hours ago, Malike said:

It's not a great city to live in during the NBA season and there are plenty of other states that have much nicer climates and much more reasonable tax rates. The Knicks are a train wreck of an org, but NYC isn't as tempting by itself as it used to be. I read an article about SF having trouble getting players because of the city itself, not money or a bad org, just, nobody wants to live there.

Very few people want to live in major cities anymore because they've become overwhelmed with crime, drugs, and corruption. Not to mention traffic, high tax rates in most, and an abundance of homeless people/beggars. 

Obviously the ultra rich like most veteran baseball players can escape some of these realities, but I think you are seeing these player live away from it all as much as possible.

Besides, if you didn't have to work in the winter and made millions of dollars, why would you want to live in the Northern part of the united States in the offseason? 


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11 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

They need a floor much more than a cap.

Honeslty….. They need to throw 50% ( or an agreed upon percentage ) of all revenues into a pot for player salaried. Split that amount and have all teams have the same amount to spend. Then require teams to spend at a floor of 80 percent of that number. All owners could still pull profits from teams after operating costs etc. 

Teams like Dodgers won’t be able to buy anyone. The luxury tax variable is obviously meaningless. Plus they should be able to play games with the money. I understand it’s done in the NFL but sooner or later you have to pay the piper. In this system who cares about deferred money. It should be the contract divided by years.

If you’re a Tampa fan, even though your always reasonably competitive, it’s no fun watching your favorite players leave for the riches they can’t pay. 

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