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I think we need to be worried about Chen.


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Chen's performance is certainly making the minor league arms race more interesting....

You have to imagine that Flannagan really would like to bring up one more young rookie mid-season. Despite all the griping about our tendency to play vets, we've seen a good bit of the baptism-by-fire approach (Cabrera, Penn, Fiorentino, Markakis, Ray).

I wouldn't call it far-fetched to see almost any of our young arms leaping up and getting a shot if Chen keeps sputtering out.... (*cough* Liz *cough*)

Chen will get through May though.

A starting pitcher from Frederick, just what we need :rolleyes:

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He'll be the league-average pitcher he's always been. If not for a wildly inconsistent strikezone, Terrero positioning himself somewhere near Long Island (and Conine with the range of a snail), and Mora's error today's performance would look a lot better.

I don't know...the Yankees were pretty much scolding everything. A lot of hard/loud outs. He got two outs without throwing a pitch. He also got bailed out when Tejada doubled the runner at first after a ball that was ripped. Hell, Halama barely held Chen's from a few more ER with that last double-play that was ripped.

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Halama should be off the team.

Chen is getting too many balls up in the strikezone.

If he continues to do that, he may set the record for most homers given up in a season.

I still say Chen ends up in the 4.3-4.75 range in terms of his ERA, which will be fine for a #5 starter in the AL.

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A starting pitcher from Frederick, just what we need :rolleyes:

I never said that's what we need, I said I could see Flannagan doing it. Chris Ray locked down the closer's role after a quick jump. Markakis is being given the chance to win an everyday job and probably will have one by next season.

The race should be against Penn and Loewen but with Penn still in Florida and Loewen still not being consistent Liz could make a run for a June appearence.

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What do you guys think about sending Chen to the Pen and putting Halama in the rotation or putting Chen in the pen, sending down Halama, and bringing up Loewen or Penn (preferably Loewen to keep that lefty arm)?

Still too early...

Penn still hasn't gotten much work in and Loewen has still not settled in.

They're going to give Chen a chance to straighten out, if he keeps getting shelled in June a move will probably be made.

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I've never been much of a Chen backer, and of all our pitchers this year he was probably the one I had the least amount of faith in.

Having said that, he's probably faced three of the best line-ups in the AL his past three outings (yes, that includes TB). Against Boston, a more average line-up, he had a decent outing. He pitched well enough last year to merit at least a couple of months to sort things out. Plus, if he leaves, I don't want to lose the Bruce Chen joke of the day.

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He'll be the league-average pitcher he's always been. If not for a wildly inconsistent strikezone, Terrero positioning himself somewhere near Long Island (and Conine with the range of a snail), and Mora's error today's performance would look a lot better.

I didn't see the game but if this is true, this should answer JimiNJ question about why is CPat playing so deep.

Again, because he was told to.

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We may have had the slowest outfield of all time in there, have to feel bad for Chen pitching with that defense.

This is the second straight Chen start that Perlozzo has played Conine in the OF.

Fly ball pitchers need good OF defense and Chen is not getting that.

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I never said that's what we need, I said I could see Flannagan doing it. Chris Ray locked down the closer's role after a quick jump. Markakis is being given the chance to win an everyday job and probably will have one by next season.

The race should be against Penn and Loewen but with Penn still in Florida and Loewen still not being consistent Liz could make a run for a June appearence.

Don't forget J.J.

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What do you guys think about sending Chen to the Pen and putting Halama in the rotation or putting Chen in the pen, sending down Halama, and bringing up Loewen or Penn (preferably Loewen to keep that lefty arm)?

James Johnson is who should be called up to replace Chen. He is pitching well in Bowie (3-0, 3.31 ERA) and is on the 40-man roster. Loewen is not ready right now, Penn is due for his first start of the year this week, and Liz is only in A-ball. Bringing up Johnson could work out, or it could just be a stop-gap until Penn is healthy. Either way, Johnson is showing he is ready for his first chance.

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