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Knott DFA'd?


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I'm just curious...and I mean this in all seriousness....

Did Knott do something at Norfolk or Baltimore to get someone higher up mad at him? This is the only reason I can think of as to why he hasn't gotten a shot here.

Seriously...how do you keep guys like Stern or Torres over Knott? Because they are younger? Because they are good with the glove and can't hit their weight?

The Red Sux nor the Yankees are great fielding teams, but they are miles ahead of us because of OFFENSE. I'm not saying that Knott was the second coming of Jimmie Foxx, but he had to be able to produce more than Payton this season. A Knott/Fio platoon would've been nice to see in LF (since they didn't want Reimold up) for the last month of the season.

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Clearly this was so that they could have a backup for Tike Redman (Stern) and for Luis Hernandez (Torres). You can never go too deep in anonymous AA players. Knott can't play center or short so he has no place in the Oriole organization, and never should have been here in the first place.

Finally, an astute observation about a player that obviously cant play any position, therefore he can waste away on another minor league team.

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Finally, an astute observation about a player that obviously cant play any position, therefore he can waste away on another minor league team.

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or if you just didn't pick up on Drungo's sarcasm.

Either way, we have this nice little thing in the AL called the 'DH'. Even without it, I'd rather have an average/below-average OF who can hit than a good fielder who can't hit the side of a barn.

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It really is sad, everytime I think the organization is moving forward (hiring of MacPhail, solid job getting picks signed reasonably, etc...) they counter with decisions that make me think nothing has really changed - that this is going to continue to be a mismanaged organization.

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It really is sad, everytime I think the organization is moving forward (hiring of MacPhail, solid job getting picks signed reasonably, etc...) they counter with decisions that make me think nothing has really changed - that this is going to continue to be a mismanaged organization.

That's probably because nothing has changed. :mad::(

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The stupidity of this damn organization never ceases to amaze me.

Where is Hoosiers? He is always crying that people don't praise the FO enough for making moves like picking up Knott.

Well, now you know why....Because they don't use them and then cut them.


O's FO makin me mad! :mad:

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You can say that these kinds of moves mean nothing until you are blue in the face but they represent what a lot of people are saying on these boards, that the O's are just approaching the big picture entirely the wrong way.

It amazes me that they will DFA a power hitting MiL veteran like Knott, when the MLB team is starving for power hitters, to make room for some crappy 31 year old relief pitcher.

If these are the kinds of moves they make on a smaller scale, imagine the kinds of moves they'll make on a larger scale.


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Maybe Bigbird can shed some light on this.... there's more to this story.....

I bit my tongue and kept form saying this. Seems like the FO makes at least 2 - 3 really stupid moves a year and we're always left thinking, "This just doesn't make any sense ... there must be more to this." Yet we're always left hanging ... and it quickly becomes clear there was no alterior, mastermind plan .... it was just another dumb move by a questionable FO. :(:mad:

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I bit my tongue and kept form saying this. Seems like the FO makes at least 2 - 3 really stupid moves a year

Only 2 or 3? Multiply that number by 10 and you might be close!

and we're always left thinking, "This just doesn't make any sense ... there must be more to this." Yet we're always left hanging ... and it quickly becomes clear there was no alterior, mastermind plan .... it was just another dumb move by a questionable FO. :(:mad:

Spot on observation. The Orioles just aren't that smart.

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