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Trembley to be fired today?

Pedro Cerrano

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I think they will and should, he was a good soldier in the terrible dog poop he was given.

I agree, DT is an asset and his MiL record as a manager speaks for itself. But when you sever ties with someone like this, it's not a good idea to keep them around. DT has a lot of class and probably would decline a demotion as he should, but I'll be shocked if the O's don't try to keep him around.

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Guest pokerface7418

Have you ever broken up with someone but continued to see them on the weekends? I haven't, but I imagine it's pretty horrible.

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I was thinking that if I was DT that I would strongly consider resigning after today's game—just to end this speculation and take the high road. Oh well, best of luck, DT.

And give up a million dollars?

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Finally, "something"! An interim manager makes the best sense... just get through this awful season and then maybe, just maybe, they'll announce a new kick-butt manager early in the off season so he can get a whole new staff in place EARLY. My condolences to Juan.

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Also, if Samuel is the new manager, didn't he say some players on the Orioles didn't belong in the majors or something along those lines last year?

Not sure how I feel about that. I think it was in reference to Pie.

He also threw Roberts under the bus last year when Roberts made a blunder, not knowing there was less than two outs. Didn't think it was the coaches responsibility to tell him that. Not much choice as manager, hope it is truly interim.

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Replacing DT with Samuel and keeping the rest of the coaching staff in place is one of the few things the front office could do that would be worse than the status quo.

If you must have an interim manager, go with Komminsk or Gary Allenson, not your idiot third base coach who forgets how many outs there are and gets runners thrown out by 10 feet.

Better yet, just clean house. Starting with Crowley.

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They should wait until Monday. And not make Samuel interim manager until he can explain why he sent Tejada last night down 7 runs.:rolleyestf:

Hopefully they don't keep him after this year. The O's might do a little better since they can't do much worse. I don't want to hear at the end of the season that Samuel got the team on the right track and knows the players.

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