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Nothing but pitchers...

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Look, I've made clear what I was talking about, and that was that as of the 11th round, we'd drafted 6 pitchers and 3 position players today.

It's hardly dispositive of anything. It was just interesting.

I don't think it means anything. Its been the best value guy on the board each time Jordan got to make a choice. His board is probably wildly different from most experts and the consensus. I suppose its possible that he's trying to add one type of player, we've seen a few relievers get drafted this year early and saw a bunch of SS go last year or maybe it was the year before.
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I don't think it means anything. Its been the best value guy on the board each time Jordan got to make a choice. His board is probably wildly different from most experts and the consensus. I suppose its possible that he's trying to add one type of player, we've seen a few relievers get drafted this year early and saw a bunch of SS go last year or maybe it was the year before.

Well, whether over or not, it could mean any number of things. Do we rank marginal pitchers higher than other teams? Etc.

I'm just looking for comments. When you open the day picking 6 out of 9 players who are pitchers, it seemed lop-sided. For better or worse.

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Well, whether over or not, it could mean any number of things. Do we rank marginal pitchers higher than other teams? Etc.

I'm just looking for comments. When you open the day picking 6 out of 9 players who are pitchers, it seemed lop-sided. For better or worse.

Meanwhile, while you've been posting, the O's just picked three position players in a row.

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Well, whether over or not, it could mean any number of things. Do we rank marginal pitchers higher than other teams? Etc.

I'm just looking for comments. When you open the day picking 6 out of 9 players who are pitchers, it seemed lop-sided. For better or worse.

Meanwhile, while you've been posting, the O's just picked three position players in a row.

Sounds like sticking to the board to me. :noidea:

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Sounds like sticking to the board to me. :noidea:

I think this might be right. But let's not pretend bias is something that happens only in selecting off the board. Bias can exist in the construction of the board to begin with.

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Meanwhile, while you've been posting, the O's just picked three position players in a row.

That's fine, too. But, again, let's not pretend that drafting position players in 12-15 rounds is the same as drafting them in 3-10. That said, finding overslots in those later rounds is a distinct possibility. We need to find out who's-who.

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Look, I've made clear what I was talking about, and that was that as of the 11th round, we'd drafted 6 pitchers and 3 position players today.

It's hardly dispositive of anything. It was just interesting.

What does dispositive mean? Do you have the thesaurus open with every post? :D

But in all seriousness, I am normally bellyaching about our over-emphasis on drafting crappy pitching. It goes back years, with Loewen, Stahl, Hale, Paradis... the sad list goes on.

I am happy to see more balance in this year's draft. It actually makes me wonder if AM has altered the Plan a little bit, which would be just ducky with me. In other words, it would be nice if we plan on growing the arms AND the bats from now on.

Just take the best talent available and let the chips fall where they may.

I don't think the Orioles are particularly good at developing pitchers, anyway.

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What does dispositive mean? Do you have the thesaurus open with every post? :D

But in all seriousness, I am normally bellyaching about our over-emphasis on drafting crappy pitching. It goes back years, with Loewen, Stahl, Hale, Paradis... the sad list goes on.

I am happy to see more balance in this year's draft. It actually makes me wonder if AM has altered the Plan a little bit, which would be just ducky with me. In other words, it would be nice if we plan on growing the arms AND the bats from now on.

Just take the best talent available and let the chips fall where they may.

I don't think the Orioles are particularly good at developing pitchers, anyway.

It's a law school word. Which is annoying. On the other hand, it does mean something specific and useful:

dis·posi·tive (dis päz′ə tiv)


that disposes of, or settles, a dispute, question, etc.

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I think this might be right. But let's not pretend bias is something that happens only in selecting off the board. Bias can exist in the construction of the board to begin with.


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