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I have only read parts of the article so far but there are some interesting items that I haven't heard before (maybe everyone else has). Such as...

In an interesting side note, when Perlozzo was about to be fired, Mazzone was brought in and asked if he was going to be upset if Perlozzo was fired. Mazzone took the opportunity to ask for a contract extension.
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The most damning thing is confirmation that PA has "bulletproof" people in the org that he simply won't allow to be let go. I have always said that the difference between angelos and Steinbrenner was wins - that they were both egotistical, micro-managing owners but the big Steinbrenner would fire his grandmother if he felt that she was getting in the way.

The other big deal, something that might get lost in all of this, is that the losing may be beating down Angelos. He has been showing up to games less and his age is starting to catch up to him. I think the peter Angelos era is entering its waning days.

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Honestly, this might be news to the very casual Oriole fan, but majority of the information in the article is already known by many of us. Gave an interesting summary to someone who hasn't necessarily followed the Orioles closely for the last 13 years, but nothing really earth shattering like was previously suggested. The article has not caused me to question my fanhood and I have hated Angelos for some time now so it does nothing to change that opinion

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I enjoyed the article and I agree with most that it was more or less a summation of the futility of the last 13 years, but it's very well written and should garner some local attention.

A few things stick out to me, though. One, is the fact that MacPhail has pretty much resigned himself to the fact that we will not be able to ever keep up with the Yankees/Red Sox. The fact that he wants to go back to the balanced schedule just blows me away. We don't play well against the other teams...so I don't know what difference it would make.

Another thing is that Angelos is still over-involved. I don't mean the day-to-day stuff, but the fact that we had to re-assign someone just because he's an "informant" just rubs me the wrong way. I'm sure there's likely even more of his meddling that goes on that Tony's not aware of...

The trades we could have made really tick me off. Damian Moss was a "name"? :mad: If we make those trades, things could be looking a lot different here right now. Even if Beckett and Lowell had no intention of staying here, we still could have dealt those two for more prospects later. Ugh...that is frustrating.

Also, our struggles on the international front just seem like we don't care all that much. We're negotiating to share a place with the Tigers? Wow...what a horrible answer.

I tend to agree with the "source" that said the bottom line is more important than winning. Of course, when there are no fans in the stands, the bottom line is going to stink as well.

Well done, Tony!

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So, we didn't aggressively pursue Mark "t-bag" Teixeira? *sigh*

I really think that AM saw the writing on the wall with that one. AM said, here is the opener, we will go higher - get back to us. Tex never called back.

I don't think AM wanted the Orioles to be used as a red herring to drive up his price, like he used the Nationals and Sox.

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I just want to know about the Venezuela thing; what is holding them back from just finding some land and dropping a facility down on it calling Los Orioles or something man? I dont' understand that part in any of these international issues they're having. It seems like other teams have done just that.

I have a buddy who's the Asst to the GM for the Royals and KC seems to have facilities down in these countries. That's why confuses the hell out of me.

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Not for nothing but for those asking if it lives up to the hype, how's about ya read it, enjoy it, and then, if you have to, decide yourself.

More imprtantly, let's first give major props to T for all the time and effort that went into it, whether you find it lives up to the hype or not.

Thanks Tony. :thumbsup1:

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I feel like it made Andy Macphail look better then people think actually. It showed how bad things were before he got here and showed the things that he's done since to put us into a better spot moving forward. He has brought some good tools to better organize things throughout the organization which will only help in the following years. I feel better about our future now then i did before reading the article.

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And to think we could've had Josh Beckett and Joe Nathan (albeit in separate deals). :bangwall:

Yeah, I had never heard about a Nathan deal before.

Nothing too shocking, but Tony did a good job of highlighting just how much of a drain Angelos has been on the O's for so long.

AM seemed like he was giving the company line alot, but we did get some more in depth answers that we hadn't seen before. Like the Venezuela thing. The most disappointing thing to hear about AM is that he trusts so few people in the organization. I wonder if this is because of Angelos' croonies, or this is just the way he works. You've got to think that he needs to hire someone else to help with the process.

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I just want to know about the Venezuela thing; what is holding them back from just finding some land and dropping a facility down on it calling Los Orioles or something man? I dont' understand that part in any of these international issues they're having. It seems like other teams have done just that.

I have a buddy who's the Asst to the GM for the Royals and KC seems to have facilities down in these countries. That's why confuses the hell out of me.

There has been recent instability in Venezuela that has screwed some things up for teams not already there.

For what is worth the Orioles used to have a Ven, Summer League team and apparently only seven MLB teams have VSL affiliates. And two teams cooperating is not unheard of.

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Also I don't understand how you can say Josh Bell has failed to perform. He has played all of 6 games! You can not say a guy has failed to perform in the major leagues when he only has 19 AB!

He hasn't set the world on fire in AAA this year either.

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