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Mike Bordick?

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I can't believe anyone has fond memories of Buck Martinez. The voice/hair combination was just too much.

I kind of liked Buck. He was the GM in Toronto (or some high position) and there was a lot of... cred in his insights. Plus he's a good old baseball guy, former catcher.

The only thing that really bugged me was that cig-smoking wheezy laugh of his. :shudder:

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Last night, he resorted several times to basically telling me what I had just seen on the TV: "He just whipped that ball over to first and got the out." That kind of stuff.

Bordy. Dude. Duuuuuuude. Remember. You are broadcasting for the TV - not radio. We can see what's happening on the field. :D

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I feel like I'm watching golf when Bordick is speaking. That said he hasn't been awful and there have been a couple times I've enjoyed his analysis. I think we have all been somewhat spoiled by the good color and play by play guys we have had in the booth recently. I'll give him time to grow.

I have two takes on Bordick. One echoes the sentiment that Bordick has a flat voice and he drones a bit --- much like a golf announcer. Plus, it's a new voice to a lot of long time viewers, so it's unusual.

But I also think Bordick adds some nice analysis to the game. I appreciate actual former-players critiquing what is happening on the field... Adds some validity to their observations.

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Give me dry and intelligent (Bordy) over hammy and moronic (Dempsey) any day.


Over the last several years my tolerance level with Dempsey & Hunter has decreased to the point I just automatically mute the TV and turn on Joe Angel. Give me monotone insightful ness over the hokey stylings of the lollipop parade any day.

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Tonight, Bordy looked at the Reimold stats as they flashed on the screen and said: "Wow, those are some nice stats, huh?" Yes, Bordy. Yes, they are. Honestly, I'm not hearing all this "intelligence" and insight that everyone's referring to. Any examples of great insights he has offered up lately? I'm not trying to hate. This is actually becoming amusing.

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