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vs. ATHLETICS 7/27


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I'm not saying fire him. I'm saying what a gigantic blunder.

It's not you. Others have said "there's a reason he's been fired from other jobs" and junk like that. I'm very pleased with his managing. I'll let this one go as long as it doesn't become a trend, because otherwise he has been great.

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I wish our pitchers had to take one punch in the nads for every walk. Probably see guys attacking the zone more.

They might. But we also could see a lot more balls flying into and over the wall if that happened, too.

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He is a good manager who made a moronic move because he got greedy. He has gotten more greedy as the season has gone on like trying to get three innings from Ayala on Sunday.

The guy is trying to rest an overworked bullpen. Every manager we've had over the past 10 years has been the same because we can't get good SP. Tonight was different obviously, but I can't fault him for some of the moves he makes that are trying to keep the whole season in mind and not just that particular night, because on the whole, our starters don't pull their weight, so he has to get creative to try to rest the BP.

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Not you, Sr. Someone else called him a clueless gimp, and went on and on about him.

You gotta kind of ignore those kinds of rants in the game thread. I think Buck made an idiotic move, I don't want him fired nor do I think he's a gimp. ;)

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