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Michael Morse "almost certain" to join the Orioles (Update: Acquired for Avery))


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Wow, DD loses another trade.

The only speed and best defensive OF'er in our system for 30 games of a .150 hitter.

LJ Hoes would have been a superior option... except we already gave him away.

The Red Sox get Peavy for a defensive specialist SS... and we give away Delmonico, Arietta, Strop, and now Avery for a bunch of worthless way too late rentals.

Maybe nothing we traded comes back to haunt us... but they could have been trade for something of value... and not Mike (PED abuser) Morse.

Be funny if he fails a test and gets suspended for the final 30 days.

Sure are bringing in a lot of character guys lately (KRod, Morse)

You are incapable of rational thought. Every single post of yours is exactly the same. You don't know as much about baseball as you think you do, either. I'm fairly embarrassed for you.

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I don't know, you have to draw the line somewhere and 15 or 20 runs per full season isn't trivial. That's like saying players who hit .290 and .320 are the same, just lump them all together.

In most good trades you have to give up something to get something in return (value wise). In this case I think we gave up next to nothing to get the same. I mean, cmon' Morse is hitting 226? How is that going to help? I would take Peirce as he is a better fielder. Also, we could have had Mark Reynolds for nothing to DH against lefties. I see this as nothing but a useless trade. This guy can't hit anymore or stay healthy. Stick a fork in him is what I think..

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I'm kind of *meh* on the trade, but Morse has to be a better option than Reynolds. He put up sub-par numbers in a cavernous SAFECO and might be better suited for the A.L. East. We give up Juan Pierre-lite in Avery, so I don't think we will be rueing the day on that. I don't exactly have the warm fuzzies on the swap, but overall not a bad option and if it works out we could bring him back for 2014.

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The "word" is that they demanded Edwardo Rodriquez. As they have been all along.

That would have been an abysmal trade. Good for DD for not caving.

In most good trades you have to give up something to get something in return (value wise). In this case I think we gave up next to nothing to get the same. I mean, cmon' Morse is hitting 226? How is that going to help? I would take Peirce as he is a better fielder. Also, we could have had Mark Reynolds for nothing to DH against lefties. I see this as nothing but a useless trade. This guy can't hit anymore or stay healthy. Stick a fork in him is what I think..

I'm skeptical Morse will help. I don't think he's all that good, and certainly hasn't played well. But they only gave up cash and Avery, who'd played himself off the 40-man roster. So as long as the salary doesn't hurt somewhere else I guess it's worth a flier to see if he can pop a few homers.

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Nothing really lost in this trade, but I don't get why they didn't keep throwing Valencia out there until he stopped ripping line drives. With a 40-man roster you can't have too many players that can hit for power, but I hope Morse doesn't get priority over Valencia when Valencia's been a consistent masher all year while shuttled between AAA to the majors.

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Just got the email from the Orioles saying we got him, so it must have been official for a few hours now.

I'm officially "meh" on this issue. I'm "meh" about Avery leaving, I'm "meh" about getting Morse, although I'm stoked to see that weird thing he does before his at bats, it's hilarious.

The issue is the pitching..always has been, always will be. It's why we made the playoffs last year and it'll keep us out of the playoffs this year. Feldman and Norris haven't been enough, sad to say.

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I'm officially "meh" on this issue. I'm "meh" about Avery leaving, I'm "meh" about getting Morse, although I'm stoked to see that weird thing he does before his at bats, it's hilarious.

Exactly, word for word, how I feel. Is it cool that we got Morse? Sure. Avery's speed was above average but nothing else was so not heartbroken for that either. Pretty much your "meh for meh" trade. Morse will be fun to watch but I'm not holding my breath for any immediate impact.

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Avery for Morse is a fair trade. Avery was redundant, not playing well at Norfolk, had zero chance of playing for the Orioles again, and therefore was expendable.

At least there is a real possibility that Morse's RH bat can help the Orioles. Hopefully Buck will consider sitting Markakis and using Morris in RF against LH pitching

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