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So Roberts said something that got fans mad??


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So what? When I was a kid most liked the Yankees. And they have a history with

the likes of Ruth and the players from that era. Sorry I just don't see a reason for

anyone being upset. I liked BRoberts as an Oriole player. But now at what 35 or

36 I don't really see him being able to help the Yankees all that much. Sorry but

to me for anyone to be upset about what he said is a waste of energy which I

don't have a lot of at my age. He is a Yankee now. Just have to move on. IMO

I share the same sentiment. Much ado about nothing.

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I think what ultimately pisses off fans is that these guys just don't care as much as we do when it comes to this "rivalry" stuff. We have it made up in our minds that these guys should hate their opponents as much as we hate the Sox/Yanks fans.

We don't want to know (and/or hate to admit) that these guys hang out together, have dinner together and train together. About a week ago, I heard someone on ESPN talking about how they got to interview Tom Brady a few years ago before having to play Peyton Manning in one of their meaningful matchups. He went into the conversation expecting Brady to spout off how much he hates Manning, how much the rivalry means to him, how much it means to him that he can beat him...and got none of that. Brady seemed almost indifferent about going head to head with Manning. Even talked about how he respected him.

That's what it is with these guys. I think those days of your favorite athletes straight up hating the players and teams that you loathe are mostly gone. And what little of that attitude remaining is tempered by endorsements, appearances, award ceremonies and paychecks. You Ravens fans have seen that dumb commercial with Flacco eating McDonald's buffalo wings with Kaepernick, right? Anyone remember when Jeter and A-Rod stood on the sidelines talking to each other while their teams brawled a few years ago?

Athletes today make awesome salaries and don't have to sit in the stands with dickhead Yankee/Sox fans. They get to go home to their 10,000 square foot homes and smokeshow wives. They don't have to share a cubicle wall with some fat ginger ***** who grew up in Bahston and can't STFU about Papi and farts all the time. That's our reality. That's why, in some respects, it means a little more to us than it does to them. Beat the Sox and that fat ginger ***** has to shut up for a day if we're lucky. Our guys will probably go out to dinner with Pedroia and Papi after they beat us on a random day game in July during the week.

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I think what ultimately pisses off fans is that these guys just don't care as much as we do when it comes to this "rivalry" stuff. We have it made up in our minds that these guys should hate their opponents as much as we hate the Sox/Yanks fans.

We don't want to know (and/or hate to admit) that these guys hang out together, have dinner together and train together. About a week ago, I heard someone on ESPN talking about how they got to interview Tom Brady a few years ago before having to play Peyton Manning in one of their meaningful matchups. He went into the conversation expecting Brady to spout off how much he hates Manning, how much the rivalry means to him, how much it means to him that he can beat him...and got none of that. Brady seemed almost indifferent about going head to head with Manning. Even talked about how he respected him.

That's what it is with these guys. I think those days of your favorite athletes straight up hating the players and teams that you loathe are mostly gone. And what little of that attitude remaining is tempered by endorsements, appearances, award ceremonies and paychecks. You Ravens fans have seen that dumb commercial with Flacco eating McDonald's buffalo wings with Kaepernick, right? Anyone remember when Jeter and A-Rod stood on the sidelines talking to each other while their teams brawled a few years ago?

Athletes today make awesome salaries and don't have to sit in the stands with dickhead Yankee/Sox fans. They get to go home to their 10,000 square foot homes and smokeshow wives. They don't have to share a cubicle wall with some fat ginger ***** who grew up in Bahston and can't STFU about Papi and farts all the time. That's our reality. That's why, in some respects, it means a little more to us than it does to them. Beat the Sox and that fat ginger ***** has to shut up for a day if we're lucky. Our guys will probably go out to dinner with Pedroia and Papi after they beat us on a random day game in July during the week.

Not to derail the thread, but none of that surprises me at all. Why wouldn't players of that stature have a mutual respect? I'd be disappointed if they didn't.

I understand where you're coming from (to some extent), but I think expecting players to maintain some kind of 'disdain' for one another isn't exactly realistic or healthy. Seasons are long, many share the same agents...it's actually more of a fraternity than anything else. The game has evolved.

As far as Roberts is concerned, he did what he felt was right for him, and truthfully his options were probably pretty limited. I don't think the Orioles had any real intention to bring him back. It's merely a guess on my part but I bet Roberts was rubbed the wrong way when Duquette couldn't understand his reluctance to show up at Fan Fest two years ago when he was still recovering from his concussions. I'm sure he wasn't used to receiving that kind of criticism that openly.

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Good for Brian. It has to be nice to be a part of a team that will do anything it takes to win. As fans, we are stuck with the orioles and their ways of "trying" to win.

This is not to single you out but everyone taking this line that the Yankees want to win and we don't. Brian Roberts is no proof of that whatsoever! DD had absolutely no interest in signing Roberts, and it wasn't about money. The Yankees had an opening and gave him a deal. Big deal.

If Duquette had signed Roberts this board would have BLOWN UP. When they let him go the board blows up. It's ridiculous! Bash the FO no matter what they do.

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This is not to single you out but everyone taking this line that the Yankees want to win and we don't. Brian Roberts is no proof of that whatsoever! DD had absolutely no interest in signing Roberts, and it wasn't about money. The Yankees had an opening and gave him a deal. Big deal.

If Duquette had signed Roberts this board would have BLOWN UP. When they let him go the board blows up. It's ridiculous! Bash the FO no matter what they do.

It's got nothing to do with whether we wanted Roberts or not. Anyone paying attention to this off season can see that the O's aren't interested in doing what it takes to win.
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This is not to single you out but everyone taking this line that the Yankees want to win and we don't.

The Yankees ownership does whatever it takes to put a winning team on the field every. single. year.

Can we honestly say PA and the FO attempts the same with AAAA signings and further dumpster diving? I mean, come on!

We're stockpiling LFs and our pitching corps sucks right now. We CANNOT compete the way we're set up now.



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The Yankees ownership does whatever it takes to put a winning team on the field every. single. year.

Can we honestly say PA and the FO attempts the same with AAAA signings and further dumpster diving? I mean, come on!

We're stockpiling LFs and our pitching corps sucks right now. We CANNOT compete the way we're set up now.



Dumpster diving? The Yankees signed Brian freaking Roberts!

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This is not to single you out but everyone taking this line that the Yankees want to win and we don't. Brian Roberts is no proof of that whatsoever!

No but McCann, Ellsbury, Beltran, and Tanaka are. Sabathia, Kuroda, ARod, Teixiera, Granderson, Swisher... the list could on forever.

Meanwhile we had some pretty good players over the years here in Baltimore. BRob, Markakis, Mora, and Tejada. We always needed pitching bad to get to the next level and the front office just sat around pissing the years away.

Its hard to feel bad for a roider like Tejada but it was painful to watch him sign with us, pop out some MVP caliber seasons, only to have the Front Office betray his trust by refusing to add pieces. We pissed away BRob's prime. We piss away a lot of players prime without making any kind of genuine effort to support them.

Its true. This organization doesn't do what it takes to win.

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No but McCann, Ellsbury, Beltran, and Tanaka are. Sabathia, Kuroda, ARod, Teixiera, Granderson, Swisher... the list could on forever.

Meanwhile we had some pretty good players over the years here in Baltimore. BRob, Markakis, Mora, and Tejada. We always needed pitching bad to get to the next level and the front office just sat around pissing the years away.

Its hard to feel bad for a roider like Tejada but it was painful to watch him sign with us, pop out some MVP caliber seasons, only to have the Front Office betray his trust by refusing to add pieces. We pissed away BRob's prime. We piss away a lot of players prime without making any kind of genuine effort to support them.

Its true. This organization doesn't do what it takes to win.

I don't disagree with all that. I'm just talking about all the bile being said about Brian and the FO.

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It's got nothing to do with whether we wanted Roberts or not. Anyone paying attention to this off season can see that the O's aren't interested in doing what it takes to win.

That's your opinion. If by "doing what it takes to win" you mean spending $125 mm on payroll (because that is what you seem to believe it takes), then I guess you are right, they aren't doing that. But I'm open to the idea that you can win without spending $125 mm.

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Nor does he have a brain injury. I like Brian and I'm rooting for him to get to the WS for once. I know we won't.

If that's how you really feel, why don't you stop your griping and go root for the Yankees? You keep dishing out your whiny-ass comments and accusations, and now you tell us that you're rooting for Brian Roberts, not the Orioles. Traitor!

If you're really still an Orioles fan, then let me tell you something: your attitude sucks. I'd rather go to an Orioles game with Peter Angelos than with you. Where your pinstripes with pride. You've earned them.

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I think what ultimately pisses off fans is that these guys just don't care as much as we do when it comes to this "rivalry" stuff. We have it made up in our minds that these guys should hate their opponents as much as we hate the Sox/Yanks fans.

We don't want to know (and/or hate to admit) that these guys hang out together, have dinner together and train together. About a week ago, I heard someone on ESPN talking about how they got to interview Tom Brady a few years ago before having to play Peyton Manning in one of their meaningful matchups. He went into the conversation expecting Brady to spout off how much he hates Manning, how much the rivalry means to him, how much it means to him that he can beat him...and got none of that. Brady seemed almost indifferent about going head to head with Manning. Even talked about how he respected him.

That's what it is with these guys. I think those days of your favorite athletes straight up hating the players and teams that you loathe are mostly gone. And what little of that attitude remaining is tempered by endorsements, appearances, award ceremonies and paychecks. You Ravens fans have seen that dumb commercial with Flacco eating McDonald's buffalo wings with Kaepernick, right? Anyone remember when Jeter and A-Rod stood on the sidelines talking to each other while their teams brawled a few years ago?

Athletes today make awesome salaries and don't have to sit in the stands with dickhead Yankee/Sox fans. They get to go home to their 10,000 square foot homes and smokeshow wives. They don't have to share a cubicle wall with some fat ginger ***** who grew up in Bahston and can't STFU about Papi and farts all the time. That's our reality. That's why, in some respects, it means a little more to us than it does to them. Beat the Sox and that fat ginger ***** has to shut up for a day if we're lucky. Our guys will probably go out to dinner with Pedroia and Papi after they beat us on a random day game in July during the week.

Which is why Adam Jones is my favorite current Oriole.

He at least displays a public persona that he dislikes the Yanks and Red Sox (and their obnoxious fans) as much as we do. And, maybe I'm a rube, but it seems genuine to me. I can't name one other modern Oriole who exudes this fan-like hatred for our rivals. Markakis, Davis, Wieters... all seem like "our guys" for now but I don't sense any deep connection to the city or the franchise. Hardy maybe a little bit. Machado is TBD, but my point is I like to see our best players acting like they absolutely love wearing the Orioles uniform. Did anyone ever really get that sense from Roberts? And, hey, the guy visited my nephew in the hospital a few years back, so I'm not saying he's not a good guy, and he did plenty for the community. But when the rubber hit the road, he, like Mikey Mussina, was A-OK signing with a team we all despise. It hits some of us old-school fans a little hard...

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