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Grantland Front Page Article - Jonah Keri on Orioles, revenue factors, and the Quest for Greatness


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You have 6000 posts and don't know the answer? I haven't read the link as it is largely irrelevant. The Orioles always try to field the best team they can within the constraints of X $$$$. Sometimes they do a pretty good job at this, IE the last 2 years, and other times not. IE the previous 15 years.

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I am tired of people defending not spending money and showing good faith to the city of Baltimore and its fans. People can spout as many reasons as they want as to "why they dont spend". The main reason that the "Angelos is cheap" threads persist is others defending him.

Law suits/ how to divide the pie? I am reasonable sure that at least 50% of that money belong to the Orioles piece of the pie. yet they are hoarding it all because they dont know the outcome of the lawsuits?

I am pretty sure Angelos isn't scared of a law suit.

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PA is a lawyer first and right now he is making a very important case to cement his Masn revenue...Which leads me to suspect this dispute has had a massive effect on payroll the last two years..You don't buy a Lambo when pleading poor in a divorce asset split just like you don't buy talent at a point in which the outcome of this Masn dispute will be the most important thing he will do in terms of revenue for the rest of his ownership.

Even though spending a little more on a good roster could possibly bring this young little fan all his hopes and dreams of a WS title lol...The O's have sucked my whole life 4 winning seasons in my 24 years and 3 playoff appearances...Come on PA give us a shot and spend some of this Masn money...And do not doubt guys, there is money for this team to spend.

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A pretty good summary of what has happened to get us here and what is happening.

Regarding MASN:

1) I think the possibility that MASN might have to pay the Nats market rates and, by contract, the same amount to the Os, is a POOR excuse for our ownership to withhold funds that could allow the Os to contend. If the network is hurting the major league team, but lining the owner's pockets with earnings, something is fundamentally wrong here. The article hints at a major issue with MASN being how low-priced it is - this is purely on MASN management and Peter Angelos. Even a network priced at the MLB average would generate another $35M and I don't believe this really accounts for the network carrying two teams. I have been very patient and kind to Peter Angelos over the years, even supported him, but this MASN thing is really getting to be over the top with both profit greed and mismanagement at the same time.

2) The article says that MLB sends $ to the Lerners to keep them quiet regarding their local tv revenue. Why doesn't PA sell the network, get both teams their respective local TV revenue and have MLB start sending that $ to the Os?

3) FWIW, I still think our best path forward is to deal both Wieters and Davis and play for 2015-16 in a meaningful way.

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You have 6000 posts and don't know the answer? I haven't read the link as it is largely irrelevant. The Orioles always try to field the best team they can within the constraints of X $$$$. Sometimes they do a pretty good job at this, IE the last 2 years, and other times not. IE the previous 15 years.

"The Orioles always try to field the best team they can within the constraints of X $$$$."

Are you kidding me? The franchise had a chance to seize the moment and have 3-4 year run as one of the top teams in baseball. Instead they will settle for winning seasons instead of doing everything within their financial structure to win a championship. Winning will continue to put fans in the stands. We should be striving for championships. We don't have a budget like Tampa. The money is there. This is an outstanding article that says it all!!!! The uniform says Baltimore, but Anglelos and his sons don't care about the fans of this city. All they care about is putting money in their pockets. I have been a fan for 50 years and still love baseball and will root for the Orioles. However my patience with this regime is done. That is why we saved $4,000 by not renewing our season tickets.

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PA is a lawyer first and right now he is making a very important case to cement his Masn revenue...Which leads me to suspect this dispute has had a massive effect on payroll the last two years..You don't buy a Lambo when pleading poor in a divorce asset split just like you don't buy talent at a point in which the outcome of this Masn dispute will be the most important thing he will do in terms of revenue for the rest of his ownership.

Even though spending a little more on a good roster could possibly bring this young little fan all his hopes and dreams of a WS title lol...The O's have sucked my whole life 4 winning seasons in my 24 years and 3 playoff appearances...Come on PA give us a shot and spend some of this Masn money...And do not doubt guys, there is money for this team to spend.

"The Orioles always try to field the best team they can within the constraints of X $$$$."

Are you kidding me? The franchise had a chance to seize the moment and have 3-4 year run as one of the top teams in baseball. Instead they will settle for winning seasons instead of doing everything within their financial structure to win a championship. Winning will continue to put fans in the stands. We should be striving for championships. We don't have a budget like Tampa. The money is there. This is an outstanding article that says it all!!!! The uniform says Baltimore, but Anglelos and his sons don't care about the fans of this city. All they care about is putting money in their pockets. I have been a fan for 50 years and still love baseball and will root for the Orioles. However my patience with this regime is done. That is why we saved $4,000 by not renewing our season tickets.

We don't know how much liquid money there is. We do know that we want the Orioles to buy us some better players. And that is all any of us know. Anyone who thinks they can decipher the Orioles economics is mistaken. None of us do.

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Tell me in what scenario do you see the Orioles as having to claim less than 50% of the profit?

The issue isn't whether they have 50% of the profit. The issue is whether there will be any profit if the MLB arbitration panel jacks up the rights fees to their "market value" as the Nats have demanded. And to be clear, the contract allows the Nats to demand a "reset" of the rights fees once every five years. They are not asking anyone to breach the contract.

The outcome of this dispute has a very big impact on the Orioles' ability to spend, and it is undecided after two years, which is incredible to me.

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The issue isn't whether they have 50% of the profit. The issue is whether there will be any profit if the MLB arbitration panel jacks up the rights fees to their "market value" as the Nats have demanded. And to be clear, the contract allows the Nats to demand a "reset" of the rights fees once every five years. They are not asking anyone to breach the contract.

The outcome of this dispute has a very big impact on the Orioles' ability to spend, and it is undecided after two years, which is incredible to me.

Why? Angelos is a master at delay. Especially when it is to his benefit. I am not surprised at all.

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I would be the first one to scream at Angelos for not spending money. While my buddy Scott keeps yelling at me to lay off Angelos and his vault. :)

But, they had to spend a good chunk of change on Sarasota.

So in order to be fair, and give credit where its due.

You do realize that the city of Sarasota funded the renovations of Ed Smith stadium to the tune of 31 million dollars to get the Orioles to sign a 30 year lease. That 31 Mil did not come from Petey.


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