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Cord Phelps-Really?

Bahama O's Fan

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Prior to April Cord Phelps had about 10 innings at third base in his professional career. That doesn't necessarily mean he's not good there, but...

Thanks. Well there you go..just odd. I much rather have Weeks, Lombo or even Parades. But hey, whatever.

Edit: at least Weeks can steal bases btw

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Thanks. Well there you go..just odd. I much rather have Weeks, Lombo or even Parades. But hey, whatever.

Edit: at least Weeks can steal bases btw

Davis has had far more innings at 3B than Phelps or Paredes. Not too good ,but more experienced. I think short term I would rather have Pearce 's bat at 1B over anY upgrade with the glove at 3B.
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Phelps has played 3B as of late, can't speak for how good he looked...but he was playing 2B to start the season and was moved after we acquired Lombo (and platooned with him). He played 3B after Britton was sent back down to AAA. Wildcard nailed this, but I do disagree about his play at 3B. I have never seen him play there honestly BUT if they loved him at 3B so much, why bring up the journeyman Buck Britton to play there for a month or so? My guess is they tried to get Cord Phelps to play 3B but he really is a 2b. However, if they thought that, why not bring up Lombo or Weeks who has had much more success in the majors (and is on the 40-man).

The whole move is a head scratcher in my eyes.

I'm not sure the O's love Phelps at 3B. He is just better than Lombo at 3B. De Jesus and Weeks don't play 3B.

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Then wouldn't have Buck and company called up Weeks when he was hot? Lombardozzi? De Jesus?

Was there an injury during that time that opened up a job? No. Machado's injury will most likely open up an opportunity. It makes sense to give that opportunity to the guy who is hot right now.

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I think that's probably part of the equation.

But also... there's no predictive significance to playing the hot hand. If you take two players with a career .750 OPS, one who's OPSed .900 over the last month, the other one .600, the most likely case over the next month is that they both OPS .750.

Not arguing that at all, but if I need a guy for a few weeks, why not take the guy putting up a .450 OBP since July 1st? Just like when Buck rode Pearce when he was hot, bringing up Phelps when he's hot makes sense, especially when there is no heads and shoulders better choice.

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Buck does a good job of starting newbies instead of letting them sit around and get cold (Matt Williams for the Nats is awful with keeping people fresh in my opinion).

Does Cord Phelps start tonight? If I were betting, I would say yes.

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Was there an injury during that time that opened up a job? No. Machado's injury will most likely open up an opportunity. It makes sense to give that opportunity to the guy who is hot right now.

Some would say that Schoop has been hitting like an injured player.

My point is that Buck won't play Cord Phelps much. Look at how he handled the 2B spot last year with Roberts. Hell, remember when they called up Yamaico Navarro last year? Tell me how often Buck played him.

Buck is loyal to a fault. It's the way he operates. Veteranosity, baby.

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Buck does a good job of starting newbies instead of letting them sit around and get cold (Matt Williams for the Nats is awful with keeping people fresh in my opinion).

Does Cord Phelps start tonight? If I were betting, I would say yes.

You would be wrong. He is our utility guy now.

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