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Rob Neyer: What Do You Believe About Baseball That You Can Not Prove


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I believe too many people hide inside of baseball statistics and discount that this is ultimately a game of biomechanics and physics played by emotional humans, not an exercise in statistical predeterminism.

I also believe in instant karma.

I also believe that it is going to get you..

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I believe there are several workhorse SP's in the big leagues who could easily be giving their teams 280-300 IP a season with no ill effects to their arms or performance - innings over and above the 220 they are asked to give now that would be significantly better than what those teams are getting from their 5th starters. I also believe there are a variety of relievers or current back end SP's who could be converted to relief who could be going multiple innings a couple times a week and pitching 150 or so relief innings - again of a much higher quality than what those teams are getting from their lesser relievers who are currently soaking up those innings.

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I believe Buck is the best manager in the game and is worth about 5 wins more than the average manager.

I believe Joseph is a more valuable all-around player than Weiters due to his handling of the pitching staff and pitch framing.

I was going to post this. I agree.

Matt would have come up with the ball.


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