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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Players contracts are different because most of the language is COLLECTIVELY bargained. Management gets no such protection. Also, you are making a ton of assumptions regarding Dan and his deal (like the money in it being guaranteed).

We also have no idea what the discussions were between Dan and Ownership. Dan may have been under the impression that such a deal would not prevent him from getting a promotion from another club. As most team policies go.

Lastly, I would suggest you take a look at the Managers and GM's around the league. Almost all of them were poached from other organizations while under contract at some point.

What is it about the collective bargaining process that necessarily precludes the same considerations apply to an employment contract between a corporation and an individual? Have you ever seen an employment contract where compensation was not stipulated in some fashion? Why didn't Dan's lawyer insure that some of Dan's "impressions" were formalized in the document he signed?

On the subject of assumptions what is the basis for your assumption that most teams have a policy that key executives under contract can jump ship on a whim regardless of whether it's a negotiated perk?

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When DD took this job he was the joke of baseball. PA gave him a shot to get back, and rewarded him with an extension. I would think he would feel some what beholden. Even if PA didn't give permission to talk with TOR I doubt Dan would not continue to do his best in his job. He is a pro.

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What is it about the collective bargaining process that necessarily precludes the same considerations apply to an employment contract between a corporation and an individual? Have you ever seen an employment contract where compensation was not stipulated in some fashion? Why didn't Dan's lawyer insure that some of Dan's "impressions" were formalized in the document he signed?

On the subject of assumptions what is the basis for your assumption that most teams have a policy that key executives under contract can jump ship on a whim regardless of whether it's a negotiated perk?

Anyone can resign at any time per the specifics of their contract. The GM's don't have a union as far as I know
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When DD took this job he was the joke of baseball. PA gave him a shot to get back, and rewarded him with an extension. I would think he would feel some what beholden. Even if PA didn't give permission to talk with TOR I doubt Dan would not continue to do his best in his job. He is a pro.

My guess is he swallowed his pride on some things (Buck is really the guy) to get the job. I agree that DD is a pro but a big raise and actual top authority might do it.

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If DD really wants to leave it's going to happen, there's no point in keeping a disgruntled employee. If Angelos forces him to stay you can bet your ass every single move DD makes from now on will be questioned with the whole "if his heart is still in the right place" shtick. As for the compensation I really don't see anything of significant return. (ie Epstein to the cubs) Some fringe prospect will be sent the O's way and that'll be that.

Nonsense if DD made bad moves he would have a hard time finding a job in four years.

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Those were unique because they were lateral moves. I'm talking about promotions. Guys like John Daniels, Jack Zduriencik, Jeff Luhnow, Dayton Moore, Neal Huntington, etc.

But this isn't a promotion. Assistant GM to GM is a promotion. GM to President is a title change not a what you are doing change.

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But this isn't a promotion. Assistant GM to GM is a promotion. GM to President is a title change not a what you are doing change.

True, another million dollars a year and becoming a c-level executive of one of the largest corporations in Canada isn't really a promotion over being a VP for the Orioles.

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