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Orioles win; Yankees lose


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I get that it seems odd to celebrate something that seems to confirm a jealousy of the MFY.  But there are two universal truths to baseball:  It is always good when the Orioles win, and It is always good when the Yankees lose.  The only thing that is sad, is that a thread is needed to call attention to the oddity of both happening on the same day.  

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1 hour ago, foxfield said:

I get that it seems odd to celebrate something that seems to confirm a jealousy of the MFY.  But there are two universal truths to baseball:  It is always good when the Orioles win, and It is always good when the Yankees lose.  The only thing that is sad, is that a thread is needed to call attention to the oddity of both happening on the same day.  

Why do you care if the Yankees lose?  Do you dislike a lot of their players?  A-Rod, Jeter, and Texiera are gone. Other than CC there isn't really anybody on their team I dislike.  They aren't going out and buying all the top free agents anymore.  I find it hard to understand why anyone would get pleasure out of them losing when it does't effect us and it really doesn't effect them either.  They still have a 6 1/2 game lead over the Rays.

If you hated them so much wouldn't it make more sense to have a Rays Win/Yankees lose thread instead?  

To me this would be similar to if you divorced someone and they had become ultra successful have a multi-million dollar house and a desirable new spouse and you are living alone on the street and you are happy they got a speeding ticket. 

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1 hour ago, atomic said:

Why do you care if the Yankees lose?  Do you dislike a lot of their players?  A-Rod, Jeter, and Texiera are gone. Other than CC there isn't really anybody on their team I dislike.  They aren't going out and buying all the top free agents anymore.  I find it hard to understand why anyone would get pleasure out of them losing when it does't effect us and it really doesn't effect them either.  They still have a 6 1/2 game lead over the Rays.

If you hated them so much wouldn't it make more sense to have a Rays Win/Yankees lose thread instead?  

To me this would be similar to if you divorced someone and they had become ultra successful have a multi-million dollar house and a desirable new spouse and you are living alone on the street and you are happy they got a speeding ticket. 

I care because, I hate them.  And yes that means I am jealous of their 27 Championships.  I do not hate players and thought their core of Jeter, Posada, Pettite and Rivera were all admirable athletes who deserve respect.  Mostly, I dislike them because they have access to resources that far exceed others and because that makes their mistakes easier to overcome.  But I don't care if people do or do not enjoy posting Yanks lose Orioles win.  I said above that it is pretty meaningless and does underscore jealous tendencies.  The Yankees would never post Yanks Win Orioles lose unless it directly mattered in todays standings and clearly....that time is not now.  But again, I said it is sad that we need a thread to call attention to this oddity.  On that I think we agree.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



(JULY 25th)


Orioles win.

Yankees lose.





1 minute ago, spiritof66 said:


But on two different days (even if you look at the time zones where the games were played). 




They started on the same day, and that is how they will go into the record books.



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On 7/26/2019 at 4:29 AM, OFFNY said:



(JULY 25th)


Orioles win.

Yankees lose.





23 hours ago, OFFNY said:



(JULY 26th)







(JULY 27th)



It's rare enough for the Orioles to win 3 games in a row at all, let alone simultaneously coordinate those wins with Yankee losses on the same day.



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7 hours ago, OFFNY said:





(JULY 27th)



It's rare enough for the Orioles to win 3 games in a row at all, let alone simultaneously coordinate those wins with Yankee losses on the same day.



The odds of that happening are roughly 0.2% in any three game stretch.   A one in 500 shot.   

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8 hours ago, OFFNY said:





(JULY 27th)



It's rare enough for the Orioles to win 3 games in a row at all, let alone simultaneously coordinate those wins with Yankee losses on the same day.



Yup, we're definitely gaining on them. Remember: It's not over until the C.C. sings.

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