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vs. WHITE SOX, 5/28 (Game One)


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That's not why he was ejected. The ump made a bad call on a check swing. Manny asked for an appeal to 1B but the ump wouldn't do it. In frustration, Manny slammed his bat down hard. Up until that point it was all completely the umpire's fault. But Manny's hot temper made him look like a child. The ejection was completely warranted.

If I were Buck, I would sit him for game 2.

I thought he went and the home plate umpire has every right to make that call. Manny quickly brought the bat back so of course he wanted an ask by the home plate umpire down to 1B. That's probably why he was so upset, because he assumed he would ask for help.

It was probably close enough for him to ask but Manny did go.

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Manny......it's getting time to grow up. That stuff may have not been a big deal in the steroid era, but you just cannot show up an umpire like that anymore.

Even if he is 100% wrong, you take your lumps like a man and move on. Getting tossed, especially when you are already getting a reputation as a hot head/punk (and yes, while we all disagree, Machado doesn't have the best rep around baseball right now), doing things like this will only make sure that reputation sticks.

I don't want to be rooting for "lil papi" for the next 5-10 years.

Lil Papi is Jose Bautista. :D

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I thought he went and the home plate umpire has every right to make that call. Manny quickly brought the bat back so of course he wanted an ask by the home plate umpire down to 1B. That's probably why he was so upset, because he assumed he would ask for help.

It was probably close enough for him to ask but Manny did go.

Now I know you played the game and all so don't come down too hard on me...

Yes the HPU has every right to make the call.

But in what way does it hurt for him to allow the base umps, who have a better view, make it?

Just as SOP, a guy checks his swing, the HPU looks to the base ump for the call.

Who is hurt?

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