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HHP: The Misadventures Of A Staff Ace

Il BuonO

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It was good enough. But Tillman owes us a lot of better than "good enough" outings the rest of the way. At times he was great, painting the outside corner at the knees with his fastball and even his curveball. He's very inconsistent though. He really started missing location a lot his last couple of innings. He seemed to have the best curve I've seen him have in a while and threw a lot, starting right off in the first inning. Sometimes Tillman looks like a pitcher who is throwing a curve for the first time. It amazes me. Last night he had a good one but even then, he throws a really tight one and more of a roller (a get me over) that is hittable. He threw what looked like a big breaker down and in to a LH hitter (forget who) and the hitter was all over it and pulled it to RF for a double.

I think it's mechanical as well but he can't seem to keep them consistent.

It's definitely all about consistency. He broke off a couple of eyeball-to-knee beauties last night that evoked memories of his 2012 run. Then he'd bounce one. I'm gonna be an optimist and say he's getting there. He doesn't even have to reach 2012 levels to get there. 6+ to 7+ innings and 2-3 (or even sometimes 4) runs will go a long way toward stabilizing this ship.

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It was good enough. But Tillman owes us a lot of better than "good enough" outings the rest of the way. At times he was great, painting the outside corner at the knees with his fastball and even his curveball. He's very inconsistent though. He really started missing location a lot his last couple of innings. He seemed to have the best curve I've seen him have in a while and threw a lot, starting right off in the first inning. Sometimes Tillman looks like a pitcher who is throwing a curve for the first time. It amazes me. Last night he had a good one but even then, he throws a really tight one and more of a roller (a get me over) that is hittable. He threw what looked like a big breaker down and in to a LH hitter (forget who) and the hitter was all over it and pulled it to RF for a double.

I think it's mechanical as well but he can't seem to keep them consistent.

Every player owes it to the organization he plays for to give his best effort. That is all he doesn't owe anything to you or any fan personally. I disagree with your assessment as well. You can go back at least three games and see small improvements he's made. It may take him longer as it did last year. If not for a few plays his numbers would be different. His curve hasn't looked great but you see flashes of it. The command is the thing he needs to improve.

He's not going anywhere though.

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